Page 376 - Micronesia
P. 376

Planning Your Visit                                                                              Planning Your Visit

Approximate flight times to for a period of up to 45 days.     Crime Stoppers Hotline:                  Jan. 1: New Year’s Day
                                                               477-4357                               Jan. 18: Martin Luther
A.B. Won Pat Guam Interna-     For a detailed listing of visa  ComNavMarianas Dive
                                                               Locker Recompression                                 King Jr.’s
tional Airport (GUM) are as    requirements and informa-       Chamber: 339-7143                                    Birthday
                                                               Guam Diving Doctor                           Last
follows:                       tion about the visa waiver      (Dr. Frickel): 637-1777            Monday in
                                                                                                           May: Memorial Day
Beijing, China (PEK):          program, please visit the U.S.  Other Useful Phone                       July 4: Independence Day
                                                               Numbers                                July 21: Liberation Day
5 hours                        Department of Homeland          Guam Visitors Bureau:                       First
                                                               646-5278                           Monday in
Cairns, Australia:             Security website.               Guam Hotel & Restaurant           September: Labor Day
                                                               Association: 649-1447                   Nov. 2: All Soul’s Day
4 hours, 40 minutes            Accommodations On Guam          Guam International Airport            Nov. 11: Veterans Day
Hong Kong (HKG):                                               Authority (GIAA) Police:                Fourth
4 hours, 30 minutes            Over 8,600 hotel rooms on       646-0308/0321                       Thursday
                                                               Port Authority of Guam                          in
Honolulu, Hawaii (HON):        Guam are either on the beach    (PAG) Harbor Master:              November: Thanksgiving Day
                                                               477-8697                                 Dec. 8: Our Lady of
7 hours                        or at convenient locations      Department of Parks &                                Camarin Day
                                                               Recreation – Parks Division:           Dec. 25: Christmas Day
Los Angeles, California        with the business traveler in   475-6288/9
                                                               Department of Public Health       Quick Facts
(LAX):                         mind. Finding accommoda-        & Social Services, Vital          Political Status:
                                                               Statistics (Marriage License):    Unincorporated Territory of
12 hours                       tions is easy and can range     735-7292                          the United States
Manila, Philippines (MNL):     from budget-conscious room      Government of Guam                13.48 degrees North, 144.45
                                                               Department of Agriculture:        degrees East
3 hours, 30 minutes            rates to luxury five-star ame-  475-1427                          Native Inhabitants:
                                                               University of Guam,               Chamorro
Osaka, Japan (OSA):            nities. A list of hotels and    Registrar: 735-2207               Electricity: 120 volt/60 cy-
                                                               Guam Community College,           cles (same as U.S. mainland)
3 hours, 30 minutes            facilities that provide accom-  Admissions: 735-5531              Capital: Hagåtña
                                                               National Weather Service:         Land Area: 212 square miles
Shanghai, China (PUD):         modations is provided in the    811 or 472-0900                   (549 square kilometers )
                                                                                                 Official Languages:
4 hours, 30 minutes            Guam Guide insert.              Public Holidays                   English and Chamorro
                                                               If any of the following falls on  Time: Greenwich Meridian
18 Seoul, Korea (ICN):         Useful Emergency                a Saturday, the holiday will be   Time +10                         19
                                                               observed the preceding Friday.    Population: Over 178,000
4 hours, 30 minutes            Phone Numbers                   If any fall on a Sunday, the      (2010 estimate)
Tokyo, Japan (NRT):                                            holiday will be observed the      Currency:
3 hours, 30 minutes            The country code for            following Monday.                 U.S. Dollar, with most credit
                                                                                                 cards widely accepted
                               Guam is (1)

                               The area code for

Entry and Exit Formalities     Guam is (671)

Entry requirements for Guam Emergency: 911

are the same as any U.S. des-

tination. To be on the safe    Emergency Management

side – even if you possess     Office of Civil Defense:

U.S. citizenship – you should  475-9600/9601

have a passport before decid- Guam Fire Department, Fire

ing to enter Guam. Citizens    Rescue, Tiyan Rescue #1:

of most other countries must 477-3555/2615

have a valid passport and a

U.S. visa.                     Guam Memorial Hospital

                               Emergency Room:

The Guam Visa Waiver Pro-      647-2489/2442/647-2491

gram, adopted in October       Operator: 647-2330/2939

1988 and revised in Novem-

ber 2009, permits citizens of  U.S. Naval Hospital

more than a dozen countries    Emergency Room:

entry to Guam without a visa   344-9232/9314
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