Page 371 - Micronesia
P. 371

VILLAGE MURALS                                   YOUR GUAM EXPERIENCE

W8              hen you arrive on Guam,          along the beach or the acces-

                the first thing you’ll notice sible sidewalk on the strip.            9

                is the clean air, warm tropical  Shopping, dining, and visitor

                weather, and beautiful tropical  attractions are all within walk-

                setting that awaits as soon as   ing distance from many of the

                you leave the airport.           hotels. Surrounded by pristine

                                                 natural beauty and abundant

                During your stay, we encour-     recreational activities—Guam is

                age you to explore not only the  a blend of urban and nature.

                busy resort area of Pleasure

                Island along Tumon Bay, but      Your Guam experience will

                beyond, allowing you to fully    allow you to integrate with the

                experience the blend of unique   “We Are Guam” spirit, which

                cultures that live on our island. first began as an initiative

                Stroll through the capital city  launched by the Guam Visi-

                of Hagåtña, where a walking      tors Bureau in January 2009.

                trail weaves through 17 historic The program, which coordi-

                sites, discover the luxury brand nated with village mayors and

                shopping in Tumon, and experi- communities to create several

                ence the unique culture of the   village murals you may see dur-

                island’s southern region.        ing your travels on Guam and

                                                 to bring visitors to local fiestas,

                Visitors can easily take in the  has now emerged as much

                beautiful scenery by walking     more of a spirit than a branding
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