Page 373 - Micronesia
P. 373
History of Guam History of Guam
tools, hunting artifacts, pot- arrival of Spanish explorer to their island. Disease and
genocidal practices damaged
tery, and drawings that have Ferdinand Magellan on March the culture severely.
been left behind. Researchers 6, 1521, he is credited with In 1668, Jesuit missionar-
ies took a different interest
have further divided this era the island’s “discovery.” in Guam. Led by the vener-
able Padre Diego Luis de San
into two periods – pre-latte Magellan, a native of Portugal Vitores, Spanish Catholics
arrived to introduce their
and latte. The designation is who was sailing on behalf of religion and establish a Eu-
ropean civilization, complete
characterized by use of latte, the Spanish Crown, arrived with a trade network. Native
Chamorros were taught how
a limestone pillar (haligi) on Guam during his attempt to cultivate maize, raise cattle
and tan hides. They were also
capped by a curved stone to circumnavigate the globe introduced to a new Western-
ized style of clothing.
(tasa), that served as foun- from 1519-1522. American Period (1898 – 1941)
As the Catholic Church gained Although the Spanish main-
dation for homes and other prominence, Guam became a tained control on Guam and
regular port-of-call for Span- in the Marianas for 333 years,
buildings. Lattes can be found During his three-day stay, ish galleons that crossed the the island was ceded to the
Pacific Ocean from Acapulco, United States following the
throughout the Marianas Magellan’s chronicler – Anto- Mexico, to Manila, Philippines. Spanish-American War of
The ships, heavily laden with 1898. A year later, in 1899,
archipelago, on Guam and nio Pigafetta – documented gold and silver mined in the the U.S. formally purchased
New World, often stopped on Guam and other Spanish-held
on nearby islands including tales of thatched houses Guam before continuing on territories for $20 million.
their trek to trade for Chinese
Saipan, Tinian and Rota. atop solid coral foundations silks and spices. This con- U.S. President William McKin-
tinued for nearly 250 years, ley issued an executive order
(lattes). The crew went on to during which time the Span- placing Guam within the
ish civilization grew, and the administration of the Depart-
Throughout both the pre-latte become the first to sail from Catholic Church became the ment of the Navy. Under con-
center of village activities. trol of the U.S. Naval Govern-
and latte periods, Chamorros the Atlantic to the Pacific The Galleon Age ultimately ment, improvements occurred
ended in 1815 following the including the institution of
were known as expert sea- Ocean, and the first to cross Mexican Revolution. Through- agriculture, public health,
out the last century of Spanish sanitation, an education sys-
men, fishermen, farmers, and the Pacific. occupation, however, Guam tem, land management, taxes,
continued to host a number of and public works. It was also
artisans. Their “flying proa” scientists, voyagers, and whal- during this period that Helen
ers from Russia, France and L. Paul, the wife of a U.S. Naval
12 – a lightning fast canoe used It wasn’t until three years England. Officer, designed the official 13
Flag of Guam in July 1917.
for trade within the Marianas later, in 1565, that Miguel An oceanfront site in Hagåtña
called the Navy Yard Reser-
Islands – set them apart from Lopez de Legazpi officially vations, where the diverted
Agaña River once emptied into
other cultures. claimed Guam and its north- the Philippine Sea, inspired
the scene in the center of the
ern islands for Spain. The flag. Following a disastrous
typhoon, a single coconut
From the beginning, Guam Marianas Islands were named
possessed a strong matriar- after Queen Mariana of Spain,
chal society. The power and who funded Magellan’s jour-
prestige of women enabled ney.
much of the Chamorro cul-
ture, including the language, The Spanish Era, which didn’t
music, dance and traditions, reach its full potential until
to survive. more than 100 years later,
had a tremendous political,
social, religious, and econom-
ic impact on the Chamorro
culture. While several posi-
tive advancements including
farming techniques and ani-
The Spanish Era (1565 – 1898) mals (cattle) were introduced,
Although many conquerors, the population also suffered
merchants, and adventurers several setbacks from the
landed on Guam prior to the introduction of a new culture