Page 375 - Micronesia
P. 375

PLANNING YOUR VISIT                                                                                          Planning Your Visit

16                                                                              Culture                          Getting to Guam                  17
                                                                                Our island is a melting pot      Before you can begin explor-
    Guam is known as the jewel                                                  of culture comprised of the      ing our beautiful island, you
          of Micronesia. It is located                                          indigenous people of Guam,       first need to find a way here.
    in the Pacific Ocean, about                                                 known as Chamorros, as well      A.B. Won Pat Guam Interna-
    1,200 miles east of the Philip-                                             as a number of Filipinos,        tional Airport is Micronesia’s
    pines and 3,500 miles west                                                  Koreans, Chinese, and Micro-     regional airport serving as the
    of Hawaii. Being the largest                                                nesians that have migrated to    entry point for the neighbor-
    island in Micronesia, it spans                                              Guam due to our proximity        ing islands of the Northern
    about 212 square miles (549                                                 to Asia and the Philippines.     Marianas (Saipan, Rota, and
    square km), and covers an                                                   U.S. military bases on our       Tinian), Palau, the Federated
    area about 30 miles (48.39                                                  island have also led a number    States of Micronesia (Chuuk,
    km) long and 8.5 miles (13.71                                               of Americans to our tropical     Pohnpei, Yap, and Kosrae),
    km ) wide at the northern tip.                                              paradise.                        and the Marshall Islands. To
    The larger southern half of the                                                                              see a regional map of Microne-
    island stretches to about 11.5                                              Although differences exist be-   sia, see page 64.
    miles (18.55 km) wide. The                                                  tween our native cultures, the
    Marianas Trench, the deepest                                                spirit of Guam can be found      It also serves as an interna-
    ocean in the world, is about                                                in each village and household.   tional entry point from a num-
    210 miles southeast of Guam,                                                We are all united through the    ber of cities in Asia – from
    the westernmost territory of                                                love of our island and the hos-  Shanghai to Beijing, Incheon
    the United States.                                                          pitality of our people. After    to Tokyo. Known as the clos-
                                                                                all, “We Are Guam.”              est U.S. destination in Asia,
                                                                                                                 Guam hosts about a million
                                                                                                                 visitors each year.

                                                               Guam’s beau-
                                                               tiful tropical
                                                               weather pro-
                                                               vides a year-
                                                               round summer,
                                                               with trade
                                                               winds that
                                                               keep the island
                                        comfortable. The average
                                        temperature ranges between
                                        75-86 degrees Fahrenheit
                                        (26-30 degrees Celsius), with
                                        an annual average rainfall at
                                        about 80 inches (2,509 milli-
                                        meters) per year. Guam knows
                                        only two seasons – wet and
                                        dry. Rainy season is from June
                                        to November, and dry season
                                        is from December to May.
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