Page 372 - Micronesia
P. 372

Your Guam Experience                                                        HISTORY OF GUAM

                     initiative. It has united commu-                                                                            9
                     nities and inspired the island
                     of Guam to promote its unique      The history of Guam can be       Take a moment to explore the            11
                     culture, food, and faith through        divided into several eras,  history of Guam below.
                     everything from clothing to the    beginning with the Pre-Latte/
                     friendly Hafa Adai spirit.         Latte Period (500 AD – 1521)                            Pre-Contact
                                                        defined by ancient Chamorros                            Period
                     Whether you’re a first-time or     life before Spanish explorer                            (500 AD –
                     returning visitor, our island      Ferdinand Magellan discovered                           1521)
                     offers a distinct experience that  the island in 1521. The Span-                           Archaeologi-
                     will captivate any traveler. We    ish Era (1565 – 1898), which                            cal evidence
                     warmly invite you to explore       began a few years after the                             suggests the
                     Guam and discover the ambi-        discovery and extended more                             Chamorro
                     ance that is unlike any other      than 300 years later, when                              culture has ex-
                     tropical resort. Guam and its      Spanish missionaries intro-      isted on Guam for more than
                     neighboring islands of Microne-    duced Catholicism to Guam,       4,000 years, after the first set-
                     sia can provide you with memo-     accounts for a significant       tlers traveled from Southeast
                     ries that will last a lifetime.    portion of the island’s his-     Asia in canoes that took them
                                                        tory. Evidence of the American   through the Pacific Ocean’s
                     So go ahead, run or swim along     Period (1898 – 1941), followed   rough waters.
                     the Tumon Bay Marine Pre-          by the Japanese Occupation
                     serve, enjoy an island view atop   (1941 – 1944), Liberation and    Because written history does
10 Mount Lam Lam, explore the                           U.S. Territorial Status (1944 –  not exist prior to the arrival of
                     pristine ocean by snorkeling,      Present) can be seen through-    Europeans on Guam, much of
                     kayaking, or scuba diving, or      out the island at several his-   what we know about this pe-
                     eat to your heart’s content.       toric and scenic spots outlined  riod has come from varchaeo-
                                                        beginning on page 38.            logical research – cooking
                     As you become absorbed in
                     your Guam experience, the is-
                     land’s marine environment will
                     soothe your mind. The sweet
                     flowery scent from plumeria
                     trees will tantalize your spirit.
                     And the breathtaking, natural
                     beauty will make you appreci-
                     ate why you chose Guam as
                     your destination of choice.
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