Page 369 - Micronesia
P. 369

About the Cover                  GUAM’S UNIQUE CULTURE AND PROUD HERITAGE

                      Chamorro Barbecue –      Known as the oldest                 the American culture perme-        5
                      a staple on the fiesta          civilization in Micronesia,  ates through the resort area
                      table, most of the       the Chamorro culture of Guam        of Tumon, whose main street
                      time, ribs and chicken   has a deep-rooted respect for       is lined with luxury boutiques
                      are marinated for 3-4    family and tradition passed         and chain restaurants.
                      hours in a soy sauce     down for generations. Every-
                      and vinegar mixture,     thing from seafaring and            Village fiestas are also a tradi-
                      then seared on an        fishing techniques, artisan-        tion in the Chamorro culture
                      open grill over char-    ship, weaving, song and             although they were not intro-
                      coal or tangan tangan    dance has been inherited            duced until Spanish mission-
                      wood embers.             through thousands of years          aries came to Guam in the late
                                               of oral tradition.                  1600s. The celebrations, which
                      Finadenne’ - a basic                                         honor Catholic patron saints
                      condiment used in        Chamorros take great pride in       in each of the island’s 19 vil-
                      Chamorro cuisine,        their language, faith, tradi-       lages, occur annually.
                      the favorite sauce is    tions, and arts & crafts, but
                      prepared by mixing       have always welcomed new            Nowhere is the island’s multi-
                      soy sauce, vinegar or    cultures to the island with         cultural heritage more evident
                      lemon juice, chopped     open arms. Although prac-           than on the fiesta table, where
                      white onion, and         tices like kissing the hands        Filipino-style pancit sits next
                      fresh chili peppers. It  of elders (fanginge’), which        to Spanish-influenced red
                      can be spooned over      emerged in early Chamorro           rice (hineksa’ agaga’), and
4 food – especially                            culture, or fishing with a          where American red velvet
                      meat – or used as a      throwing net (talaya), have         cake is just down the table
                      dipping sauce.           maintained their place in so-       from Chamorro barbecue ribs
                                               ciety, influence from Spanish       marinated in soy sauce from
                      Cucumber Salad –         and Asian cultures is evident       Asia. Heavily laden tables of
                      a favorite among         throughout the island.              colorful local delicacies such
                      Chamorros, this dish                                         as spicy eggplant with coconut
                      takes a popular Guam     Architecture from the Spanish       milk (finadenne’ birenghenas),
                      vegetable and soaks it   period, for example, is evident     hot and spicy chicken (kadon
                      in finadenne’, bring-    in the government build-            pika), chicken with ground rice
                      ing a tangy flavor to    ings and churches found in          (chalakilis), and shrimp pat-
                      cucumbers.               Hagåtña, while modernity of         ties, can be found here as well.

                      Red Velvet Cake –
                      is a lush Southern del-
                      icacy from the United
                      States that has found
                      its way to Guam. As
                      the Chamorros enjoy
                      great food, this des-
                      sert has found its way
                      to most functions on
                      the island.
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