Page 377 - Micronesia
P. 377

GETTING AROUND                                                                                    FAMILY FUN IN THE SUN

    While most hotels provide       5:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., with     The natural beauty of Guam       Take special note of Guam’s
                                                                          is enough to get anyone     marine preserves—Tumon
20  courtesy vehicles for           standard fare at $3/day or $1/   out of their hotel room. From    Bay, Pati Point, Piti Bomb      21
                                                                     hiking to snorkeling, parasail-  Holes, Sasa Bay and Achang
    airport transfers or taxi ser-  ride, with discounts for senior  ing to scuba diving, the op-     Reef Flat Preserve— which
                                                                     tions are virtually endless on   have some of the best snorkel-
    vice to and from your desired   citizens, students, and per-     how to spend your stay on our    ing on island.
                                                                     beautiful island.
    points of interest, the easi-   sons with disabilities.                                           Northern Beaches
                                                                     Here are some of our favorite
    est way to explore the island                                    beaches, from the black sand     Ritidian Beach
                                                                     of Talofofo Bay Beach Park in    The unspoiled beauty of Ritid-
    beyond resort Tumon and its     If open-air is your preference,  the south to Mata’pang Beach     ian makes the northernmost
                                                                     Park in Tumon, where out-        beach on Guam one of the
    Pleasure Island district is to  check out the trolley system,    rigger canoe paddlers glide      island’s most scenic spots.
                                                                     across the surf on late after-   Located adjacent to the Guam
    rent a car or scooter.          which transports visitors from   noons.                           National Wildlife Refuge, the
                                                                                                      beach offers a spectacular
                                    Tumon to other shopping des-     Many of these sites offer an
                                                                     experience away from the
    Guam is also home to the        tinations throughout central     hustle and bustle of hotel row,
                                                                     giving you a place to quietly
    Guam Mass Transit Author-       Guam. Fares are inexpensive,     experience the shores lined
                                                                     with coconut trees and spec-
    ity, which provides public      and it can be a memorable ex-    tacular views of crystal clear
                                                                     ocean waters as far as the eye
    transportation services to      perience for families. Trolley   can see.

    residents and visitors. Buses   schedules and pick-up points

    are currently operating on 15   are located at all shopping

    routes, five of which cater to  centers.

    people with disabilities. Ser-

    vice frequencies vary from 30

    minutes to two hours at des-

    ignated bus stops throughout

    the island, six days per week

    (closed on Sundays). Hours of

    service generally extend from
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