Page 382 - Micronesia
P. 382

Family Fun in the Sun · Boonie Stomps                             Family Fun in the Sun · Guam Golf

                                 underwater pool that can be
                                 explored during calm seas, or
                                 Lost Pond, one of the island’s
                                 hidden freshwater treasures.

                                 Or head to the south, where

                                 hikers can descend a cliff to

                                 an underground swimming

                                 pool that’s home to ancient

                                 latte stones. The historic

                                 artifacts, once used as pil-

                                 lars to support homes and

                                 structures, can be found many

                                 places off the beaten path.

                                 Wherever your journey takes

                                 you, the beauty of Guam will

                                 stay with you for many years

Boonie Stomps                    to come.

Take your first step to discov-                                   Guam Golf
                                                                  No matter what your level of
ering all Guam has to offer      Join the Guam Boonie Stomp-      play, Guam has a golf course
                                                                  to fit your skill level and
by setting out on foot with a    ers each Saturday at 9 a.m. in   satisfy your love for natural
                                                                  beauty. Seven courses of-
hike – or “boonie stomp” – as    the center court of Chamorro     fer holes designed by golf
                                                                  legends like Arnold Palmer,
30 it’s known on our island. Trek Village in Hagåtña for a small  Jack Nicklaus, Gary Player,                                       31
                                                                  and Sam Snead, and come
to secluded jungle locations     fee of $2 for each hiker over    complete with a breathtaking
                                                                  ocean view.
or along sandy beaches that      the age of 12. Children must
                                                                  From the central village of
average visitors never see. The be accompanied by a respon-       Mangilao, north to Dededo,
                                                                  and back down south to
Guam Boonie Stompers, which sible adult. Contact Dave Lotz,       Talofofo, you can satisfy your
                                                                  love of the game all across our
lead guided stomps each          email:, Tel:    island. Each course has pro

weekend, will take visitors      (671) 653-2897.

on hikes rated easy to very

difficult through lush vegeta-   Some favorite boonie stomps

tion, concealed ponds, natural on Guam include treks to

pools, and countless water-      Mount Lam Lam, known as the                                       shops that offer rental equip-
                                                                                                   ment and clothing, so the only
falls.                           tallest mountain on Earth due                                     thing on your mind will be
                                                                                                   your game. Most hotel con-
                                 to the bottom of the mountain                                     cierge desks will secure your
                                                                                                   game as well as offer trans-
Known as a hiker’s paradise,     stretching into the Marianas                                      portation to and from your
                                                                                                   choice course.
Guam is home to trails that      Trench, in the southern vil-
                                                                                                   Upper Tumon, about 2 min-
wind up and down hills, cliff    lage of Umatac; Sigua Falls                                       utes from hotel row, also of-
                                                                                                   fers a driving range if you opt
walls, and meander through       in the central portion of the                                     for the long ball.

beautiful jungles. Each region   island, which showcases some

of the island has distinct       of the island’s most beautiful

characteristics and a history    waterfalls; and Ritidian Point,

all its own. In the north, you   an unspoiled jewel of natural

can venture to Tanguisson        beauty on the island’s northern

Beach and Shark’s Hole, an       point.
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