Page 385 - Micronesia
P. 385
as surrounding
villages like Ta-
muning, Dededo,
and Tumon offer
mid-range merchan-
dise for everything
from individual to
home and office
needs. Restaurants
in each shopping
center allow you to
grab a quick bite in
between stores.
If you’re looking
for great value and
unique gift items,
the shops in Cham-
G uam is a shopper’s orro Village feature
paradise. With dozens of a number of local handicrafts
– from hand woven baskets to
luxury name-brand boutiques tropical dresses and unique
36 and duty-free shopping, there Micronesian jewelry. Explore
is no shortage of high-end re- the Wednesday and Friday
tailers offering your choice of night markets described on
leather goods, clothing, jewel- page 43 to get some shopping
ry, accessories, cosmetics, and in while you enjoy cultural
perfumes. And the island’s dance performances and the
duty-free status often means best in local produce and
name-brand merchandise and cuisine.
other items are less expensive
than in their country of origin. If you’re able to rise with the
A favorite activity for our sun after a fun night out,
visitors, shopping on Guam the flea market along Marine
allows you to take advantage Corps Drive in Dededo is a
of merchandise without added special weekend treat. Begin-
tariffs you would find in other ning at 5 a.m., residents set up
international destinations. individual tents to sell second-
hand merchandise, fresh
Other shopping options produce, fish, and homemade
include large American-style local cuisine. The flea market
shopping malls and open-air is a local favorite and a great
shops like Chamorro Village way to truly experience the
in Hagåtña. Several malls multiple cultures that call our
in the capital city, as well island home.