Page 388 - Micronesia
P. 388

Sightseeing & Historical Landmarks                                 Sightseeing & Historical Landmarks

the sparkling blue waters of     in 1968 after it incurred dam-                       Chinese Park     baptized Chief Quipuha in
Tumon Bay, also known as         age from WWII. Padre San                             Established and  1672. The chief served as a
“hotel row.” Guam’s favor-       Vitores, known as a martyr in                        donated in 1985  maga’lahi, or high-ranking
ite playground for visitors      the Catholic faith, was beati-    by the Chinese Community            male, in the society, and was
and tourists alike, the bay      fied in 1985.                     of Guam, the Chinese Park           granted authority to hand
is bordered at both ends by                                        overlooks Tumon Bay from            down important decisions. He
towering, green cliffs. At the                                     a nearby cliffline in upper         also donated land for the first
center is a sandbar built by                                       Tumon. Within the park, visi-       Catholic Church to be con-
the SeaBees in 1945 to assist                                      tors can explore a large statue     structed in Hagåtña, the site
in off-loading supplies from                                       of Confucious, a symbol of          of which is now believed to
ships just outside the fring-                                      morality, correctness of social     be on the same spot as Dulce
ing reef. The bay is one of the                                    relationships, justice, and se-     Nombre de Maria Cathedral
island’s five marine preserves                                     renity in the Chinese culture.      Basilica. The memorial site
that offer some of best snor-                                                                          honoring Chief Quipuha is lo-
keling on island.                                                                                      cated near Chamorro Village.

42 Gun Beach                                                       A.B. Won Pat International          Chamorro Village                  43
                                                                   Airport Guam                        (l Sengsong Chamorro)
                                 This remote beach, located at     The Guam Airport Authority          Located next to the Hagåtña
                                                                   took over operations from the       boat basin, the Chamorro
                                 the northern end of hotel row     Department of Commerce in           Village is home to numerous
                                                                   January 1976. Since then, the       gift shops featuring the work
                                 in Tumon, hosts the remains       airport has launched interna-       of local artists and craftsmen.
                                                                   tional operations and numer-        Every Wednesday and Friday
                                 of a Japanese pillbox hous-       ous expansions. Located on a        evening, the village hosts a
                                                                   hill overlooking Tumon from         night market that has become
                                 ing a cannon from WWII. The       the east, the A.B. Won Pat          a favorite among both locals
                                                                   International Airport Guam          and visitors. Complete with
                                 gun’s rusting barrel points out   handles 2.54 million passen-        live music, cultural danc-
                                                                   gers annually in the two-termi-     ing, and a wide selection of
                                 to the Philippine Sea, which      nal facility, named for Guam’s      Chamorro, Asian, and Pacific
                                                                   first U.S. Congressman.             Island delicacies, the market
                                 served to protect the island                                          is home to vendors selling
                                                                   Hagåtña                             everything from clothing to
                                 from invading U.S. forces. The                                        handicrafts, bananas to betel
                                                                                   Chief Quipuha Park  nuts. Make sure you visit at
Padre San Vitores Shrine         site is one of two areas on                       Known as the first  least one time during your
                                                                                   Chamorro chief      stay, as it is the best place to
This monument marks the          Guam where there is a Japa-                       who converted       find local cuisine.
                                                                                   to Christianity,
site where Chamorro Chief        nese gun sitting in its original                  Padre San Vitores

Matapang executed Padre          position. A winding adventure

San Vitores for baptizing        trail along the cliffline fea-

his daughter without his         tures beautiful ocean scenery

permission. The murder of        and a unique view of down-

San Vitores, who is credited     town Tumon. A favorite spot

for bringing Catholicism to      for local divers, the best time

Guam, sparked the Spanish-       to enjoy the water surround-

Chamorro Wars shortly after      ing Gun Beach is when the wa-

in 1672. The monument was        ter is calm. Otherwise, beware

erected in 1942, then replaced of dangerous rip tides.
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