Page 393 - Micronesia
P. 393

Sightseeing & Historical Landmarks                                   Sightseeing & Historical Landmarks

    Namo Falls Tropical Garden           level, Guam’s highest point is  Sella Bay                         Fort Nuestra Señora de la
    Located in the village of Santa      technically the tallest moun-   For a sweeping view of the        Soledad
    Rita, Namo features two water-       tain in the world, according    mountainous southern portion      Fort Soledad, as this site is
    falls each on opposite ends of       to the U.S. Geological Survey.  of Guam, visitors can visit this  commonly known, is the last
    the park. A unique enhance-          Hikers can reach the summit     site, which offers a fantastic    of four Spanish fortifications
    ment to these falls is the           from a trailhead across from    overlook just 88 steps from       built in the village of Umatac.
    abundance of tropical flora for      Cetti Bay Overlook in about     a convenient pavilion. Follow     Located atop a steep bluff,
    visitors to enjoy during their       30 minutes, where they are      the trail down the mountain to    the fort provides a superior
    trek through Namo.                   rewarded with unmatched         find the remains of an ancient    view of the village, the bay,
                                         panoramic views of the island.  Chamorro village, where latte     the rugged coastline, and the
                                         The mountain’s peak features    stones and an old stone bee-      imposing southern mountain
                                         several crosses symbolic of     hive oven can still be seen.      range. It was constructed
                                         the island’s Catholic faith.                                      to strengthen the defenses
                                                                                                           of Guam’s most prominent
                                                                                                           Spanish-era bay.

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    Talifak Bridge                       Cetti Bay Overlook              I Memorias Para I Lalahita        Umatac Village
    Known locally as the Old             From this high vantage point    Dedicated in 1971 to the          A small village tucked away in
    Spanish Bridge, this site was        in Guam’s scenic southern       Guam men who died in Viet-        the island’s southern moun-
    originally built as part of El       mountains, the Cetti Bay Over-  nam, this site offers a view of   tains, Umatac is believed to
    Camino Real, the first road          look offers a view similar to   Guam’s southern mountains         be where Spanish explorer
    connecting Hagåtña to Uma-           the summit of Mount Lamlam      that’s hard to match. A two-      Ferdinand Magellan first
    tac. The bridge crossed the          – without the hike. Visitors    foot high wall surrounding        landed on Guam in 1521. It
    Talifak River in Agat when           can also see nearby Cocos       the coral and stone memorial      is also home to “Fouha” rock
    it was built in the late 1700s       Island, a popular resort area   pavilion allows you to take a     (Chamorro for “fertility”),
    from wood, then reconstruct-         about 2.5 miles off the coast   seat and admire surrounding       located near Umatac Bay. Ac-
    ed in the mid-1800s using the        of Guam’s southernmost tip.     water fall valleys, mountain      cording to Guam legend, the
    stonework seen today.                                                ranges, and the village of        rock is the resting place of
                                                                         Umatac below.                     the goddess Fu’una and her
                   Mount Lamlam                                                                            brother Puntan, who are cred-
                   Measuring from                                                                          ited with creating the world
                   the mountain’s                                                                          and its people.
                   base, which reaches
                   into the Marianas
                   Trench, to its peak
                   1,334 feet above sea
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