Page 397 - Micronesia
P. 397

Guam’s Must See and Do                                                                               Guam’s Must See and Do

    Shop for your favorite           Play 18 holes at any of          out the Wednesday or Friday        ing,” hiking on our island is a
    luxury brands.                   Guam’s seven golf courses.       night markets at Chamorro          favorite activity for residents
    Guam is no stranger to shop-     Experience golf like you never   Village, a must-see for visitors.  and visitors. Oftentimes, some
    ping – our island has every-     have before – complete with      Business hours for the village     of the most beautiful views
    thing from luxury brands to      ocean view. Each of Guam’s       are Monday through Friday 8        on the island can only be
    local handicrafts. No matter     courses feature holes designed   a.m. to 5 p.m., although the       reached with a pair of hiking
    what’s on your shopping list,    by legends like Jack Nicklaus    evening markets usually starts     boots. Guam Boonie Stompers,
    from leather goods, watches,     and Arnold Palmer, offering      around 7 p.m. For more infor-      a local group of enthusiasts,
    perfumes, cosmetics, cloth-      the sport’s best to visitors in  mation, call 475-0375 or email     meet each Saturday morning
    ing, or other accessories, we    a tropical environment. While                at 9 a.m. in the center court of
    have it. Check out hotel row     many courses require a drive,                                       Chamorro Village for guided
    in Tumon or the Wednesday        most hotels offer transporta-                                       hikes. For more information,
    and Friday night markets at      tion to and from your choice                                        contact Dave Lotz at davelotz@
    Chamorro Village in Hagåtña.     of course on the island.                                   or to find the schedule,

60                                                                    Cool off at the waterslide                                           61
                                                                      of your choice.
    Take the southside tour.         Walk the Hagåtña Heri-           On Guam, you can always            Snorkel Tumon Bay or take a
    Whether you opt to rent a car    tage Walking Trail and visit     try your hand at being a kid       dive outside.
    or go through your hotel’s       Chamorro Village.                again. With several waterparks     Get up close and personal
    concierge to secure a tour bus   To truly experience the is-      to choose from, cooling off        with Guam’s pristine ocean en-
    or private guide, you can’t      land’s unique Spanish heri-      can be fun regardless of your      vironment and the hundreds
    miss out on the island’s south   tage all you need is a pair of   age. Check with your hotel         of fish and coral varieties that
    side. With scenic moun-          walking shoes, and perhaps a     concierge to find out how you      call our waters home. Several
    tain ranges and a thriving       camera to capture the mo-        can experience thrilling water     dive shops certified through
    Chamorro culture, Guam’s         ment. The Hagåtña Heritage       slides, kayaks, snorkeling, or     the largest dive certification
    southern villages – from         Walking Trail, which winds       a number of other activities       organization in the world,
    Santa Rita to Inarajan – of-     through 17 historic sites in     – most of the time only a few      Professional Association of
    fer everything from delicious    the island’s capital, gives      minutes from your hotel.           Dive Instructors (PADI), are
    local cuisine to an inside look  visitors an inside look at the                                      available to either teach you
    at our unique culture.           island’s pivotal role in WWII.   Go for a hike (also known as       how to scuba or take you on
                                     On your way, be sure to check    a boonie stomp).                   guided snorkeling tours. If
                                                                      Find hidden waterfalls, WWII       you’d rather venture out on
                                                                      sites, or views that will take     your own, you can do that too.
                                                                      your breath away. Affection-       Just make sure you have fins,
                                                                      ately known as “boonie stomp-      a mask, and proper knowledge
                                                                                                         of the marine environment
                                                                                                         you plan to explore. Some
                                                                                                         popular snorkeling spots aside
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