Page 395 - Micronesia
P. 395
Sightseeing & Historical Landmarks Sightseeing & Historical Landmarks
Bear Rock Inarajan Pools housed within the church was statue depicts a powerful and
Just south A natural system of swimming originally intended for the well-respected leader in the
of the holes just off the main road church in Umatac. Because of village’s history. According
village of near the village’s Catholic rough waters, the ship carry- to Guam legend, Chief Gadao
Inarajan, a Church, Inarajan Pools is a ing the statue as it arrived on challenged the chief of Tumon
large rock popular spot for both visitors Guam could not sail all the in a contest of strength many
welcomes and residents. Several on-site way to its destination, and years ago. The two powerful
passersby barbecue pits and picnic shel- instead stopped in Inarajan. leaders rowed a canoe in op-
to Agfayan Bay. Due to its re- ters, as well as an old diving posite directions, breaking it
semblance to the animal, it is board that serves as a jump- Gef Pa’go Chamorro in half. The statue in Inarajan
aptly named Bear Rock. A boat ing off point for thrill seekers, Cultural Village depicts Chief Gadao rowing
ramp near the main road is a has helped make the site a Modeled after a traditional his half of the canoe.
great place for visitors to take favorite hangout. Chamorro village in the 1940s
photos of the landmark. and 1950s, Gef Pa’go takes Gadao’s
visitors back to a time when Cave
56 bread was baked in ovens, Located 57
rope was hand woven, and the near the
Inarajan (Inalahan) Village women of Guam were frocked entrance
in bright-colored skirts. The to Inara-
Named to the National Histor- village, which is open daily, is jan Bay, Gadao’s cave depicts
managed by the Historic In- the ancient Guam legend
ic Register in 1977, the village alahan Foundation in an effort about its powerful chief in pic-
to preserve the local culture tographs inside the cave walls.
of Inarajan is experiencing a and pass down traditions to The drawings have made the
younger generations. It is a site one of the more famous
revitalization effort to pro- favorite spot for visitors and caves on the island.
local schoolchildren.
tect several of its buildings. Inarajan
Chief Gadao Statue Falls
The Inalahan Foundation has Located near the entrance to One of the
Gef Pa’go, the Chief Gadao island’s
partnered with the American many
Institute of Architects Guam this Inara-
jan site is
Chapter to breathe new life a favorite
into the Inarajan Community hikers who often plan boonie
stomps to the falls from the
Center, the Baptist church, the southern mountains near
Cetti Bay Overlook. The site,
Doris Flores Lujan House, and although difficult to get to,
offers a shallow swimming
the Manibusan House. A com- pool to cool off and a beauti-
ful view.
plete restoration of the Anna St. Joseph Catholic Church
Leon Guerrero House, built in Named after the patron saint
1901, has already been com- of Inarajan, St. Joseph Catholic
pleted. Inarajan, a village rich Church remains the center of
in cultural flair, is also home many activities including fies-
to the favorite visitor spot, tas, weddings, and novenas.
Gef Pa’go Chamorro Cultural According to oral tradition,
Village. a large statue of St. Joseph