Page 396 - Micronesia
P. 396
Sightseeing & Historical Landmarks GUAM’S MUST SEE AND DO
Talofofo Bay Beach Park visitors can easily access it Whether your stay on
Guam is a few days or
Located on the southern side through the park. A replica of several weeks, there are some
activities you just can’t miss.
of Guam’s most picturesque the cave occupied by Sergeant So put on your sunscreen,
grab your zories (Chamorro
bays, Talofofo Bay Beach Shoichi Yokoi, a Japanese for “flip-flops”), and get ready
to explore “where America’s
Park is a favorite spot for lo- soldier who hid for 28 years day begins!”
cal surfers used to the rough in the jungle after U.S. Forces 59
waters of the island’s south- liberated Guam in 1944, can
58 ern region. The site’s black be found near the site.
sand beach, which offers
a great photo opportunity,
was also one site of Japanese
forces who invaded Guam in
December 1941.
Talofofo Falls Yokoi’s Cave
Talofofo Falls, the main at- A well-known Japanese soldier
traction at Talofofo Falls among both residents and visi-
Resort Park off a road leading tors of Guam, Sergeant Shoichi
through Malojloj, is a 30-foot Yokoi hid for more than a
waterfall that cascades into quarter century in the jungles
the Ugum River to a deep of Guam. After hiding from
pool. Although the falls is of- invading American Forces in
ten used as a hike destination, 1944 for years, he was discov-
ered by Talofofo farmers in
1972. Tools of his survival are
now displayed in the Guam
Museum in Hagåtña.