Page 398 - Micronesia
P. 398
Guam’s Must See and Do SAFETY TIPS
from Tumon Bay include the hard part will be choosing Safety Tips • Wear sunglasses, along with
Guam has always been known protective clothing and a hat.
Piti Bomb Holes, Gun Beach, what treatment to experience. as a safe destination for Avoid the sun between 10 a.m.
families and friends traveling and 3 p.m., when the sun’s ul-
and the Achang Reef Flat From facials, manicures and as a group. Little crime takes traviolet rays are the strongest.
place on the island, although
Preserve. For more on water pedicures to several massage we always like to ensure our Water Safety
visitors’ safety by asking you Always
safety, see page 63. treatments and unique aro- follow these tips: familiarize
yourself with
matherapy, it’s easy to center Plan your trips wisely. safety signs
• Ask for directions at your posted at
Experience Gef yourself in a tropical paradise. hotel on how to get to any at- swimming
tractions you want to visit. areas. During
Pa’go Chamorro • Stick to well-lighted public certain sea-
areas. sons, Guam’s
Cultural Village. • Only carry cash when you beaches have
need it. Most restaurants and been known
The Inarajan shops on Guam take credit to harbor
cards. jellyfish, which cause pain-
site, modeled af- • Don’t leave maps or obvious ful stings to the skin. If you
travel materials in plain view see clear jelly-like creatures,
ter a traditional in your car. do not enter the water. If you
• If you get lost, find an open have questions, ask a lifeguard
island village business and ask for direc- on duty.
from the 1940s • When in doubt, always look • Don’t swim in areas that don’t
to your hotel or call the Guam have a lifeguard on duty and
and 1950s, is Visitors Bureau at 646-5278/9. never swim alone.
• Never rely on an inflatable
an ideal place to explore the Sun Safety object to stay afloat if you can’t
• Use sunscreen on all areas of swim.
unique Chamorro culture and exposed skin, with a skin pro- • Supervise children in the
tection factor (SPF) of at least water closely.
its history. Take a step back 15. Doctors recommend people • Don’t swim while intoxicated.
with fair skin use at least an • Discourage rough play in the
in time by learning how to SPF 35. Reapply regularly. water.
• Stay close to shore. Under
weave hats or bowls, weave Learn to party island style or no circumstances should you
wander close to the reef at any
rope from tree bark, or make try your hand at karaoke. time as unseen water currents
can be life threatening.
your own coconut candy. The The nightlife on Guam offers • Stay out of the water
during thunderstorms
62 historic preservationists in the something for everyone. Visi- and bad weather. 63
southern village take pride in tors can experience everything
their culture and are eager to from authentic island dinner
teach visitors, residents, and shows at many of the hotels
their younger generation the to a Las Vegas-style cocktail
“Chamorro spirit.” The village event in Tumon. If relaxing to
is open daily from 9 a.m. to the tunes of soft island music
noon. For more information, is more your speed, you’re in
call 1 (671) 828-1671/2 or luck. Although everything from
email karaoke hotspots to small
pubs and dance clubs can be
Indulge yourself at found in the resort area of
any of Guam’s Tumon, the choices for local
luxurious spas. entertainment span far beyond
Guam’s world-class spas the strip. Don’t be surprised
can be found in many of if you find a local pub serving
the hotels in Tumon, as hors d’oeuvres either –known
well as outside. Indul- locally as pupus. Just enjoy the
gence is the name of fare, order your favorite cock-
the game. With licensed tail, and let go of the day. For
massage therapists a schedule of entertainment,
and well-respected spa check out the daily paper or
chains available, the visit