Page 394 - Micronesia
P. 394

Sightseeing & Historical Landmarks                                      Sightseeing & Historical Landmarks

                  Magellan            Merizo Pier Park                  structed in an effort to unify  Merizo Conbento
                  Monument            Located in the southern vil-      the people of Merizo with       (Kombenton Malesso’)
                  This site honors    lage of Merizo, the pier offers   organized community func-       Known as the oldest build-
                  the first land-     a gateway to nearby Cocos         tions. The bell, which is no    ing on Guam, the Merizo
                  ing on Guam by      Island, a popular resort spot     longer in operation, was rung   Conbento was built by the
                  Spanish explorer    for visitors. The Merizo Pier is  to announce meetings, special   Spanish to house the priest as-
                  Ferdinand Magel-    also the site of an annual wa-    events, and masses. Restored    signed to San Dimas Catholic
                  lan in 1521. Each   ter festival held each Novem-     in 1981, it is now listed on    Church. Constructed in 1858,
                  year on March 21,   ber, the Malesso Fiestan Tasi.    the National Register of His-   the building demonstrates a
                  the people of Uma-                                    toric Places.                   style introduced by Spain and
tac celebrate Discovery Day                                                                             North Africa during the 1600s.
to commemorate the historic                                             Santa Marian Kamalen Park       The site is the only Spanish
occasion. The monument, lo-                                             (Our Lady of Camarin)           building still in use as a parish
cated within Umatac Bay Park,                                           Adjacent to the Merizo Bell     house.
overlooks a scenic view of the                                          Tower, the Santa Marian
bay’s black rocky coastline.                                            Kamalen Park honors the                              Tinta and Faha
                                                                        island’s patroness saint. Our                        Massacre Sites
54 Cocos lsland                                                         Lady of Camarin, as she is                           As U.S. Forces    55
                                                                        commonly known, is hon-                              approached
                                      Five miles off Guam’s south-      ored each year with a special                        Merizo in
                                                                        celebration in December.                             WWII, Japanese
San Dionisio Catholic Church          ern coastline, this 100-acre      Although origins of the origi-                       soldiers mas-
                                                                        nal statue vary, one legend                          sacred nearly 50
One of two churches built by a island resort is just a short            states two crabs escorted the                        Chamorro men
                                                                        patroness ashore more than      and women at these sites in
group of Spanish missionaries ferry ride from Merizo. Water             300 years ago. The park con-    two separate incidents on July
                                                                        tains a replica of the beloved  15 and 16, 1944. The incident
called the Capuchins still left       activities of all kinds includ-   figure, while the original is   sparked revolt from the vil-
                                                                        housed in the Dulce Nombre      lage’s people, who ended up
standing and still being used,        ing jet skiing, windsurfing,      de Maria Cathedral-Basilica in  killing all Japanese soldiers in
                                                                        the capital city of Hagåtña.    the area, thus liberating them-
the San Dionisio Catholic             snorkeling and quiet beaches                                      selves from their control. Each
                                                                                                        year, the people from Merizo
Church in Umatac is actually          allow guests to experience the                                    hold a ceremony at these sites
                                                                                                        in remembrance of the men
the last of several buildings         crystal clear waters surround-                                    and women killed during the
                                                                                                        liberation of Guam.
constructed on that site. In          ing the small island. A ferry

1681, the first church was            runs several times a day to the

destroyed by Chamorros who            resort, where meals, snacks

opposed the Spanish occupa-           and beverages are available.

tion. The second was deci-

mated by a typhoon in 1693.           Merizo Bell Tow-

The present-day building,             er (Kampanåyan

which overlooks Umatac Bay,           Malesso)

was rebuilt by Father Marcelo         Built in 1910 at

de Villava in 1939. Ruins of its      the request of

predecessor buildings can be          Father Cristobal

found about 50 yards east of          de Canalas, this

the current church.                   tower was con-
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