Page 384 - Micronesia
P. 384


                                   fer cultural dance shows that
                                   blend amazing local talent
                                   with the history of our island.
                                   Drums beat while fire dancers
                                   and beautiful women in grass
                                   skirts captivate the crowd.

                                   The Las-Vegas show, which

                                   offers guests a dinner or

                                   cocktail only option, is located

    F rom dinner shows to          in downtown Tumon. Check
         nightclubs, neighborhood  with your hotel concierge on
                                   show times and locations.

    bars, and karaoke spots, Guam

    has something for everyone.    If you’d rather take a more

    Resort Tumon and hotspots      laid back approach, there are a

    throughout the island come     number of local hangouts that

    alive when the sun goes down. offer a perfect setting after a

    Although hotels host cocktail  long day at the beach. Local

    hours, dinner shows, and are   musicians – from solo gui-

    often home to nightclubs and   tar or ukelele players to full

    bars, the action goes on out-  acoustic bands – can be found

34  side the lobby doors as well.  at any of our neighborhood

    For a unique take on your      bars any night of the week.

    mealtime, try one of our cul-  Dress codes are always re-

    tural dance dinner shows or    laxed, so feel free to wear your

                                   flip-flops (zories) anywhere.

                                   We call this “island style.”

    the crowd favorite Las Vegas-  That same laid-back atmo-
    style cocktail shows complete  sphere is always evident in
    with a magic act. Several      our karaoke bars, which can
    hotels throughout Tumon of-    be found in any of our island’s
                                   villages. Visitors and residents
                                   all have their favorites – from
                                   the larger establishments to
                                   the dive bars – where they can
                                   relax and sing their favorite
                                   songs. Don’t worry, if you
                                   can’t carry a tune, you’re not
                                   alone. On Guam, the most
                                   important thing is that you’re
                                   having fun and enjoying the
                                   beauty and relaxation our
                                   island has to offer.
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