Page 380 - Micronesia
P. 380

Family Fun in the Sun · Snorkeling                                 Family Fun in the Sun · Scuba Diving

                                  favorite snorkeling spots        The outer reef dives range         and smaller creatures, like nu-
                                  include Gun Beach, the Tumon     from deep dropoffs to coral        dibranchs can be seen in holes
                                  Bay Marine Preserve, and Piti    head and sandy flats of gar-       inside the shaft walls.
                                  Bomb Holes. For more infor-      den eels.
                                  mation, see our Sightseeing &                                       Hap’s Reef
                                  Landmarks section beginning      A wide variety of fish, sea        Host to an array of tropical
                                  on page 38.                      anenomes, and larger marine        fish and coral, Hap’s Reef is
                                                                   life like sea turtles, barracuda,  located off Agat Bay in the
Snorkeling                                                         and the occasional reef shark      island’s southern region. At
                                                                   can be found at any of Guam’s      45 feet, the site is a favor-
Surrounded by hues of blue,                                        150 dive sites.                    ite among beginning divers.
                                                                                                      Squirrelfish, butterfly fish,
Guam’s fascinating under-                                          Some of our most popular           trumpet fish and soldierfish
                                                                   sites include:                     inhabit this area. Pay atten-
water world of corals, ship-                                                                          tion, and you’ll even see an
                                                                   Blue Hole                          anemone of clownfish. During
wrecks and rich marine life is                                     Located toward the tip of          the boat ride, keep your eyes
                                                                   Orote Peninsula on the south-      peeled for a school of dolphin
great for snorkeling. Rippling                                     ern coast, Blue Hole is one of     that play in the area.
                                                                   the island’s most unique dive
serenely over the island’s shal-                                   sites. Characterized as a 300-     SMS Cormoran & Tokai Maru
                                                                   foot shaft cut into reef made      The Tokai Maru, a Japanese
low, pristine, white sand, the                                     of limestone, the site offers      freighter sunk by a submarine
                                                                   excellent visibility that often    torpedo attack during WWII,
ocean turns the lightest shade Scuba Diving                        allows divers to see the top of    rests above the SMS Cormo-
                                                                   the hole from the surface.         ran, scuttled after WWI. The
of aqua.                          Rated in the Top 20 percent in                                      site marks the only instance
                                                                   The shaft actually drops much      in the world where wrecks
                                  the world, due in large part to  further than air diving allows,    from two different countries
                                                                   but a large window opens to
Mesmerized by the blue rich-      more than 300 types of coral,    the outer wall at about 125
                                                                   feet, allowing divers to exit and
26 ness of the ocean, taking a dip 220 species of benthic marine   ascend after a free fall through                                    27
                                                                   the shaft. Resident moray eels
in Guam’s warm waters will        algae, and 950 fish varieties,

connect you to hundreds of        Guam is home to a diverse

varieties of marine life. You’ll  marine environment. Named

be welcomed by teems of           one of the most affordable

tropical fish including schools places to dive in Micronesia,

of goatfish, convict tangs, par- our island offers a variety of

rotfish, and even larger ma-      sites for each certification

rine life like eels, barracuda,   level.

and the occasional manta ray.

                                  Dive environments for begin-

Snorkeling further out, you’ll    ners and more experienced

experience the coral beds and divers are concentrated more

friendly unicorn fish, emper-     heavily in the south, with the

ors, trevallies, and oftentimes, exception of a few accessible

sea turtles that venture closer dive spots in northern Guam.

to the surface. Treasure all the Experience two types of dives

underwater world has to offer on Guam – those within Apra

you, explore the bright-col-      Harbor and those outside near

ored coral, go eye-to-eye with    the outer reef. Harbor dives,

a clownfish and his anemone       mostly accessible by boat,

home, and let the butterfly       take place at WWI and WWII

fish surround you. Some           shipwrecks or hard coral reef.
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