Page 378 - Micronesia
P. 378

Family Fun in the Sun · Beaches                                    Family Fun in the Sun · Beaches

    look into the natural, un-         trail adjacent to the pillbox,  The picturesque beach is one       Southern Beaches
    spoiled beauty of our pristine     but take extra caution when     of only two parks along the
    ocean environment. White,          exploring below the surface.    bay featuring covered pavil-
    powdery sand offers the                                            ions used for barbecuing or
    perfect chance to swim or sun-                                     shade from the tropical sun.


                     Beach Park


                     hidden by the

                     Tanguisson        Governor Joseph Flores

                     Power Plant,      Memorial Beach Park (Ypao)      East Agaña Bay Beach               Agat Beach (Nimitz Beach)
                                                                       Along the main thoroughfare        Dedicated to the memory
                     this site in      Named after Guam’s first        of Marine Corps Drive between      of Admiral Chester Nimitz,
                                                                       Tamuning and the island’s          commander of the U.S. Navy
                     Dededo fea-       Chamorro governor and           capital city, East Agaña Bay       Pacific Fleet during WWII,
                                                                       Beach offers a number of cov-      Nimitz Beach Park is located
                     tures beauti-     founder of the island’s first   ered pavilions and barbecue        just south of the Agat Marina.
                                                                       pits. Unlike the nearby Tumon      One of the south’s largest
                     ful mush-         newspaper, this park features   Bay Marine Preserve, which         beach parks.
                                                                       prohibits the use of motorized
    room-shaped rock formations        a vast grassy expanse with      vehicles in the water, beach
                                                                       clubs at this site offer visitors
    off its shore. A popular hiking an amphitheater, barbecue          the chance to jet ski, banana
                                                                       boat, and parasail.
    spot for locals and visitors is    pits, and numerous pavilions.

    a nearby fresh water sinkhole      Commonly known as Ypao

    called Lost Pond, located          Beach, its sandy beaches and

22  toward the northern end of         crystal clear water make it                                                                         23

    the area.                          ideal for swimming and snor-

                                       keling. Ypao is a popular spot

    Central Beaches                    for family fiestas and large

                                       gatherings, and serves as the

                                       home of annual Guam Visitors

                                       Bureau signature events in-

                                       cluding the Guam Micronesia

                                       Island Fair and Guam Ko’ko’

                                       Road Race.

    Gun Beach                          Mata’pang Beach Park            Asan Beach                         Ipan Beach Park
    Located on the northern end        Located within the Tumon Bay    Lined with coconut-trees that      This coconut-tree lined beach
    of Tumon Bay, down a rough         Marine Preserve, Mata’pang is   offer a scenic view unlike         is a natural pit stop for visi-
    gravel road, this picturesque      a popular spot for outrigger    other sites on the island, Asan    tors making their way north
    beach is a favorite spot for       canoe paddlers, who frequent    Beach is a component of the        from the southern island tour.
    snorkelers and divers. The         the waters just before sunset.  War in the Pacific National        A quiet beach compared to its
    site, named for a remaining                                        Historical Park comprised of       northern counterparts, the site
    Japanese pillbox containing a                                      seven sites on Guam. The spot      is a popular spot for family
    cannon next to the cliff wall,                                     also serves as a popular beach     barbecues and other celebra-
    is often home to a dangerous                                       for runners, dog walkers,          tions due to on-site barbecue
    riptide. Feel free to explore the                                  picnic goers, and families who     pits and restrooms. It is also
                                                                       use the central grassy area for    home to the annual Talofofo
                                                                       sports or flying kites.            Banana Festival.
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