Page 348 - Micronesia
P. 348

eelack Channel - One of our favorites, Peelack offers a little   10-100ft/3-32m. CURRENT: Slight to medium.

P bit of everything. Hard corals and soft corals, schools of fish,     T urtle Cove - This cove on the western side of the island is
                                                                            located just south of Fanif Wall and offers divers a variety of
sharks, sea turtles, eagle rays, mantas, leopard sharks, stingrays,
lobsters, octopi, cuttlefish...divers have seen just about everything

at this location. This dive is best done as a drift dive into the chan- fish and aquatic life in a small area. As divers reach the far bend in

nel on an incoming tide. DEPTH: 40-120ft/12-38m. CURRENT: Slight the cove, schools of reef fish, barracudas, trevallys, and snappers

to medium.                                                             congregate around the divers, with an occasional shark cruising

M ain Channel - A dive in Yap’s main channel entrance can be           by, and of course, lots of sea turtles. Most divers prefer to stop
        exhilarating. Timed just right, you can view the remains of    and watch the action. DEPTH: 40-80ft/13-26m. CURRENT: Slight to

yet another shipwreck, circled by schooling trevallys and black        P urple Haze - Purple Haze is a new site discovered and named
snapper. In May of 2001, Dave was witness to a rare sight--a school          by our dive club members while exploring potential dive sites.
of Hammerhead sharks. Excited by his find, Dave returned to the

site the following day. He was disappointed that there were no         Located north of Cherry Blossom Wall on the west, Purple Haze

Hammerheads, but even more elated when a large manta ray was is a dramatic wall covered with mushroom-shaped coral heads.

circling around a cleaning station. As we are always on the lookout Though fish life is minimal, the wall is usually quite clear and the

for new cleaning stations, this find was important to the future of coral formations outstanding. DEPTH: 35-150ft/11-50m. CURRENT:

Yap’s dive industry. DEPTH: 40-120ft/13-40m. CURRENT: Medium to Slight to strong.

strong.                                                                B ig Bend - On the western side of Yap there is a dramatic curve
                                                                             in the reef line; divers call it Big Bend. The reef begins like a
G abach Channel - Also close to the Colonia-based dive shops           wall, then at about 60ft. (18m) angles downward to over several
       is this deep channel, loaded with WWII artifacts. The channel
is a sheer drop, lined with stunning corals and rock formations.       hundred feet deep. Reef fish, whitetip reef sharks, blacktip reef

Eagle rays, nurse sharks, groupers, and snappers are found at this sharks, and sea turtles are common sightings along this wall.

site. The reef outside the channel is covered with large mushroom- DEPTH: 15-150ft/5-50m. CURRENT: Slight to medium.

shaped coral heads. There is plenty to see at Gabach. DEPTH:
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