Page 351 - Micronesia
P. 351
agle’s Nest - Similar to the famous manta dives, this coral 20-100ft./6-33m. CURRENT: Slight to strong.
E head and sloping reef serve as a cleaning station for eagle E nd Of The Land - A little north of Eagle’s Nest, where the island
ends, lies the site known as End Of The Land. The top of the
rays, which repeatedly circle the area. This site can be visited wall is at 60ft, with the vertical wall plummeting downwards to
June through October, when the Trade Winds diminish. DEPTH: more than 180ft. The wall is blanketed with purple and white soft
45-60ft/14-18m. CURRENT: Slight to medium. corals, and divers quite often encounter curious sharks, sea turtles,
and tuna. DEPTH: 60-180ft./18-55m. CURRENT: Slight to medium.
E den - This site starts as a sloping reef that leads to “rounding
the great corner” at the South Tip. Large grey reef sharks, sea B ird Island - The reef in front of Bird Island (a small “rock-island”
turtles, schools of red snapper and black snapper and stingrays located inside the lagoon) is filled with huge mushroomed-
will fill your field of vision on this spectacular dive. A favorite site shaped coral heads and seaward-sloping surge channels. Sleeping
of the guides, too, as we finish the drift on the dramatic drop-off nurse sharks and resting sea turtles frequent this area. DEPTH:
called Lionfish Wall. DEPTH: 40-70ft/13-21m. CURRENT: Slight to 45-60ft./15-18m. CURRENT: Slight to medium.
very strong.
S emakai Reef - Named by Dave Vecella, Semakai Reef is a great
C abbage Patch - Close to Big Bend on the west, Cabbage Patch second dive, and it’s only a few minutes from Beyond The Reef.
is named for its vast array of gently sloping lettuce corals, vi- The top of the reef is covered with table corals, and schools of
brant green in color, somewhat resembling a cabbage patch. Huge snapper and humphead parrotfish tend to follow the divers. Vis-
schools of Yellowfin Tuna have been spotted at this site, along ibility can often exceed 100ft. DEPTH: 30-120ft/9-38m. CURRENT:
with schooling Barracudas and occasional reef sharks. DEPTH: Slight to medium.
20-70ft./6-21m. CURRENT: Slight to medium.
W WII LCM Shipwreck with Torpedo - Just down the channel is
E nd Of The Wall - Situated between Magic Kingdom (a gentle an interesting World War II shipwreck, an LCM lying on the
slope) and Gilman Wall (a steep vertical wall) at the south tip, side of the channel wall, bow up. Hard corals have taken over the
End Of The Wall is a blend between a wall and sloping reef that hull and wheelhouse. DEPTH: 25-70ft./8-21m. CURRENT: Slight.
is home to a wide variety of creatures big and small, from eagle
rays and sharks, to lionfish, anemones and unicorn fish. DEPTH: