Page 410 - Micronesia
P. 410

DIVING                                                                                                                            Eagle rays and whale sharks have been spotted around Blue       • 11-Mile Reef
IN GUAM                                                                                                                           Hole as well as dolphins and pilot whales. For the technically  Located 11 miles off the southernmost tip of Guam, this site
                                                                                                                                  trained, deeper diving to 180 feet allows divers to experience  is an elusive spot for some and a favorite among experienced
       INTRODUCTION                                                                                                               sea fans and beautiful marine life.                             divers. Strong currents keep the site from being open to
                                                                                                                                                                                                  beginning and novice divers. Only those with at least 60
         Guam’s tropical waters are teaming with hundreds                                                                                                       • The Crevice                     dives and an advanced certification are encouraged by most
of varieties of colorful fish and coral species, a seascape of                                                                                                  Just south of the Blue Hole,      dive shops in the area. Reef hooks are advised. Rising to a
unimaginable beauty and clarity, dotted with historic wrecks                                                                                                    the Crevice is a large fold in    depth of 75 to 120 feet, 11 Mile Reef has excellent visibility at
from World War I and World War II.                                                                                                                              the cliff that runs along the     more than 150 feet. Reef sharks, barracuda, rays, and turtles
Guam’s open ocean is not only home to diverse coral and                                                                                                         island’s coast. Triangular in     can be found here when conditions are ideal.
marine life; it’s one of Micronesia’s most affordable places to                                                                                                 shape, the site starts at nearly
dive. Home to a variety of dives for each certification level,   dives range from deep dropoffs to coral head and sandy                                         70 feet. Coral formations like
the island’s waters stay from 82-86 degrees Fahrenheit year-     flats of garden eels. A wide variety of fish, sea anemones,                                    sea fans and whips are found,
round, with visibility up to 150 feet. Dive environments for     and larger marine life like sea turtles, barracuda and the                                     along with a number of
beginners and more experienced divers are concentrated           occasional reef shark can be found at any of Guam’s 150 sites.                                 tropical fish and sea turtles
more heavily in the south, with the exception of a few                                                                                                          who take shelter among the
accessible dive spots in northern Guam.                                 POPULAR OUTER REEF SITES                                                                large boulders. Like Blue Hole,
Guam’s diving environment is rated in the top 20 percent in              Guam is home to one of the world’s most amazing                                        it has excellent visibility and
the world, due in large part to more than 300 types of coral,    underwater phenomena, the Blue Hole, a natural 300-foot          offers chance encounters with dolphins, barracuda, tuna,
220 species of benthic marine algae and 950 fish varieties       shaft cut into the reef off Orote Point. A plethora of marine    and sharks. Ideal conditions are from April to December.
that call the island home.                                       life and coral also inhabit several other outer reef dive sites  • Shark Pit
Divers can experience two types of dives on Guam - those         including the Crevice, Coral Gardens, Shark Pit, Barracuda       Another site south of the Blue Hole is Shark Pit, a favorite
within Apra Harbor and those outside near the outer reef.        Rock, Hap’s Reef, and the elusive 11-Mile Reef.                  among junk divers. Once used as a “rubbish clump” by
Harbor dives, mostly accessible by boat, take place at WWI       • Blue Hole                                                      Americans during WWII, Shark Pit is now home to
and WWII shipwrecks or hard coral reef. The outer reef           One of Guam’s most unique dive sites, the Blue Hole is           large tanks, trucks, and trailers covered in coral. A large
                                                                 located toward the tip of Orote Peninsula on the southern        boulder that sits in 18 to 60 feet of water marks the
                                                                 coast. Characterized as a 300-foot shaft cut into reef made      dive site’s signature starting point. Reef begins at 60
                                                                 of limestone, the site offers                                    feet and slopes down to 105, extending into the ocean
                                                                 excellent visibility that often                                  depths. Deep drop-offs allow divers to see some
                                                                 allows divers to see the top of                                  pelagic creatures including sharks and pilot whales.
                                                                 the hole from the surface.                                       • Barracuda Rock
                                                                 The shaft actually drops                                         Located between Blue Hole and the Crevice, Barracuda
                                                                 much further than air                                            Rock reaches from 30 to 105 feet. Named after a large
                                                                 diving allows, but a large                                       rock at the middle of the site, it offers numerous swim
                                                                 window opens to the outer                                        throughs for divers. Often treated as a drift dive, it’s
                                                                 wall at about 125 feet,                                          an excellent place to see lionfish, sea turtles, and
                                                                 allowing divers to exit and                                      octopus.
                                                                 ascend after a free fall through                                 • Hap’s Reef
                                                                 the shaft. During the day,                                       Located off Agat Bay, Hap’s Reef hosts an array of
                                                                 visibility usually exceeds                                       tropical fish and coral. At 45 feet, the site is a favorite
                                                                 100+ feet and resident moray                                     among beginning divers. Squirrelfish, butterfly fish,
                                                                 eels and smaller creatures,                                      trumpet fish and soldierfish inhabit this area. Pay
                                                                 like nudibranchs can be seen in holes inside the shaft walls.    attention, and you’ll even see an anemone of clownfish.
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