Page 415 - Micronesia
P. 415

SEA WHIP JUNCTION & COCOS WALL 30’-130’+ (9-40m+) Boat                      BARRACUDA ROCK great second tank dive. Lots of rocks to ex-
dive. Cocos Wall is a deep drift dive, Sea                                  plore. There is a resident white-tipped reef shark there. You have to
Whip Junction is a recess within the Cocos Wall. Bottom topography          look under the big rock to find her. Also, a couple of really fun swim
descends in steps from 30’ (9m) to 110’ (33m), then drops straight          thrus. And last but not least a small cave to check out when condi-
down to 200’+ (60m+). G-1.                                                  tions allow. Look for lots of gobis, and nudibranchs.

THE WALL                                                                    GARDEN EEL PITS

BLUE HOLE The Blue Hole is one of Guam’s most popular dives.                HAP’S REEF Hap’s Reef is a well-developed coral mound several
The “Blue Hole” is within 30 yards of shore. However, the shore it’s        hundred yards offshore, in roughly 30’~40’ of water, with flat terrain
near is a towering, jagged cliff on a military base. Therefore, it’s typi-  and shallow sandy valleys surrounding it. It is generally accessed by
cally accessed by divers via boat. The Blue Hole is, like Saies Tunnel      boat, and is a favorite ‘second dive of the day” after diving the nearby
in Palau, a wide tunnel from shallow to deep points within a sub-           Blue Hole.
merged wall. The hole’s shallowest point is within a few yards of the       GUAM’S UNDERWATER ZOO
edge of an extreme vertical dropoff, and lies in about 40’ of water.        THE AMTRAK & CEMETERY WALL
The tunnel below it is a straight vertical plunge to the extreme limit      NATHAN’S DENT
of recreational diving depths, roughly 110’ (depending on the tides).       TWIN DROP-OFF & SEA FAN WALL
The tunnel is roughly as wide as a passenger van. There is a perma-         CETTI BAY Superb and scenic kayaking on open water. Boat- ac-
nent boat mooring at the top of the tunnel, and descent is usually          cessible diving & snorkeling.
made along this anchor rope. The dive site is not particularly well         FU’A REEF
endowed with corals. For a good coral reef, boats typically make a          SEA WHIP
second, shallower dive at nearby Hap’s Reef (outside Apra Harbor)           JUNCTION & COCOS WALL
or Finger Reef (inside Apra Harbor). Horizontal visibility is typically
20 to 30 yards or better. Caution should be taken regarding depth
and nitrogen accumulation, since the extreme water clarity and ex-
treme depths along the wall can easily cause unprepared divers to
dive deeper than they’d intended.
THE CREVICE Another one of the “regular” first tank spots. A very
nice canyon that drops from around 50ft to 140 or so. Lots of great
chance encounters.
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