Page 417 - Micronesia
P. 417
GAB GAB I To 100’+ (30m+) Beach dive to sloping reef which cliffs on nearly vertical wall. Pelagic species and sea fans. Some-
descends into the deep. Green sea turtles and colorful anemones times a drift dive.
also make great sites for snorkelers. Night diving for octopus, eels, PITI BOMB HOLES PRESERVE Snorkeling and scuba diving
lobsters. amongst round sinkholes (not actually created by bombs) as big as
GAB GAB II 50’-100’ (15-30m) Boat dive or long swim from the 25’ (8m) diameter. Popular area for windsurfing. No taking of shells
beach, but Atlantis Submarine uses this as their primary tour site. or other marine life.
Atlantis divers have made the fish tame by feeding them for the tour- FISH EYE MARINE PARK Underwater observatory amongst color-
ists. Caution: Advise Atlantis Tours of intent to dive, and keep away ful corals at 30 ft. depth. Snorkeling tours, dolphin watching tours,
from Sub’s external thrusters. For big fish and possible nurse shark lunch buffets, dinner cruises, seawalker adventures and Polynesian
sightings, check out this reef in Apra Harbor where the Atlantis Sub- dinner shows.
marine circles. Interact with the curious and well-fed giant trevally.
Look for the bright red anemone and keep an eye out for giant eels.
SPONGE REEF 40’-100’ (12 - 30m) Boat dive to 300’-long (90m)
reef covered with sponges. Butterflyfish and fusilers abound as do
huge anemones with anemonefish.
HIDDEN REEF 55’-120’+ (17-36m) Boat dive to a domed reef which
is photogenic due to excellent visibility and rich coral and sponge
life. Several huge anemones host protective anemonefish.
FINGER REEF To 100’+ (33m+) Boat dive or tour boat snorkeling
dive to reef extending from Gab Gab at Apra. Harbor to the west.
Tour boats feed fish. A giant 10’ (3m) anemone hosts dozens of
anemonefish (“clownfish”).
GUN BEACH To 120’+ (36m+) Beach dive to underwater cables
leading down cut into the deep. Large coral heads. Popular night
dive. Great snorkeling over to Two Lovers Point.
HOSPITAL POINT To 120’+ (36m+) Boat Dive below Tamuning