Page 414 - Micronesia
P. 414
HAP’S REEF (UNDERWATER ZOO) 30’-60’ (9-18m) Easy dive TWIN DROP-OFF 50’-130’+ (15-40m+) Typically not for the nov-
at big reef that raises 30’ (9m) off the sandy flats. You’ll find huge ice, this boat dive just outside of Nathan’s Dent starts at the upper
anemones with clownfish. E-1 reef at 55’ (17m), leading to drop-off and deeper reef. Sea fans, sea-
AMTRAK & CEMETERY WALL 30’-90’ (9-27m) Enter near Agat whips and rays. E-1
Cemetery and head straight out to the Amtrak, a WWII amphibious SEA FAN WALL 90’-200’+ (27-60+m) Reef begins at 90’ (27m) and
personnel carrier. Walls to the left or right with reef flats on top at slopes to a point at 135’ (41m), then drops off to 200’+ on three sides.
30’ (9m). E-1 Sea fans abound on the sides of the drop-offs. Also find black corals
ANAE CAVERNS 15’-30’ (5-9m) Easy, shallow cavern diving. and sea whips. Caution: Strong currents may cause a drift on this
Green sea turtles, sleepy whitetips and lots of fish. Bring a torch. deep, technical dive. E-1
Good snorkeling. E-1 SELLA BAY & CETTI BAY To 50’ Beach diving & snorkeling
CORAL GARDENS 5’-50’ (2-15m) Boat dive for scuba or snorke- amongst tons of sealife in shallow waters in a beautiful tropical is-
ling. South side of Anae Island is a great shallow reef full of photo- land setting. F-1
genic corals. E-1 FOUHA REEF To 40’ (12m) Boat dive for scuba or snorkeling to
PETE’S REEF 5’-80’ (2-24m) Boat dive for scuba or snorkeling to coral pinnacles full of mini caves, crevices and swimthroughs. Bring
sandy area with reef pinnacles, large anemones and clownfish. Night a torch. F-1
dive. E-1 JAPANESE ZERO 50’ (15m) Just offshore from Fort San Jose is a
BLACK CORAL KINGDOM 100’-200’+ (30-60m+) Technical dive downed Mitsubishi A6M5 Japanese Zero from WWII. F-1
on deep reef off Facpi Pt. to see black corals at 150’+ (45m+). Large BILE BAY To 60’ (18m) Boat or beach dive for scuba or snorkeling.
pelagics come out of the deep blue. Caution: Deep with strong cur- Enter from Merizo Park off Hwy. 4. The reef is like a peninsula that
rents. E-1 slopes down on three sides to 60’ (18m). Spinner dolphins and man-
NATHAN’S DENT 30’-80’ (9-24m) Regarded as an easy dive, here tas. Good night dive. F-1
you’ll find coral buttresses with mini caves rise out of sand flats. “The COCOS LAGOON To 30’ (9m) There are many places to snorkel or
Dent” is a V-shaped cut into the reef. E-1 scuba dive within huge lagoon or from Cocos Island. Watch out for
boats, jetskis, etc. F-1