Page 73 - Micronesia
P. 73
E lectricity - 110 Volts 50/60Hz with U.S. ports are issued 1 year Visa upon arrival. For fiscation.
type flat 2-pin plug or 3-pin (two flat
pins and rounded ground pin). more information about extended stay in
DPalau, please call the Bureau of Immigration
B anking & Currency - U.S. dollar is the of- rugs - Anti-drug laws are strictly en-
ficial currency of Palau. Traveler’s Checks at (680) 488 – 2498 or 2678, Mondays to Fri- forced. Prescriptions should be carried
days at the hours 7:30am – 4:30pm or e-mail for any special medicines or drugs in your
inquiries to possession.
and all major credit cards are accepted at
most businesses, including Sam’s Tours.
C DThere are several banks (Bank of Hawaii,
ustoms - One bottle of liquor and up eparture Tax - All visitors departing
to 1 pack of cigarette containing up to from Koror pay a Departure Tax, pay-
Bank of Guam, and Bank Pacific), with lim- twenty (20) cigarettes can be brought into able in US dollars only.
ited currency exchange (Euro coins are NOT Palau duty-free. Importation of controlled
accepted) and plenty of automated teller Isubstances and weapons are strictly prohib-
machines around town. mmunization - Cholera and Yellow Fever
ited and any traveler in possession of any immunizations are required for those ar-
I mmigration Requirements - All visitors controlled substances will be prosecuted to riving from infected areas.
must have a valid passport not less than
6 months from date of expiration and proof the full extent of the law of the Republic of M edical Services - Palau has two private
Palau. medical clinics and pharmacies on the
Qof return arrangements. Entry visas are not uarantine Restrictions - As Palau’s island and a public hospital, Belau Nation-
unique island eco-system is very sus- al Hospital, with a modern recompression
required for most passports. 30-days Tourist
Visa will be issued upon arrival. Citizens of ceptible to invasive specifies there are chamber. Local supermarkets carry most
United States of America, Federated States tight restrictions on fresh fruits, vegetables, common over-the-counter medications.
of Micronesia, Republic of the Marshall Is- plants, meats and other possible sources of
lands, Guam, and the Common Wealth of contamination. Do not bring these items to
Northern Marianas Islands with valid pass- Palau as they are subject to immediate con-