Page 77 - Micronesia
P. 77

Palau Scuba Diving: A Truly Mystical World

Over 700 species of coral and more than 1,300 species of               some of the richest populations of corals, fish, and other inverte-
      fish, including sharks and rays, can be found living in or just  brates; with over 1,500 species of fish, abundance of large pelagic
swimming through these waters. It’s no surprise that this is truly a   animals and over 700 species of corals, Palau is one of the most
scuba diver’s paradise. Palau’s marine ecosystems include barrier      diverse tropical zones. Palau is located at a cross roads where the
reefs, fringing reefs, inner lagoons, sea grass beds, marine lakes,    enormous Pacific Ocean meets the Philippine Sea, just outside a
and mangrove forests. Palau’s pristine marine habitats support         geographic region of the world known as the “Coral Triangle”.
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