Page 74 - Micronesia
P. 74
P ostal Services - Palau is in Zone 8 of the U.S. Postal System, and not operate without a local SIM card.
U.S. domestic rates apply. International mail is slightly higher.
The post office is located on the main road in Koror, across from Dress Code - Palau is a tropical island and a very casual place when
the Palau National Communications Corporation (PNCC) office. it comes to attire. T-shirts, shorts and flip-flops (rubber slippers) are
Palau’s stamps are favored by collectors worldwide. Palau’s zip appropriate at all times with very few exceptions (thankfully, ties haven’t
code is 96940, except for the Palau National Capitol in Ngerulmud, become a hit here)! For those who want to dress up, a polo shirt, aloha
Melekeok, which is 96939. State Postal Code is PW. Address format shirt or blouse will usually suffice. Slacks and dresses are only required for
is the same as for U.S. more “formal” affairs. Short shorts and swimsuits are okay at the beach,
D ining & Food - Palau a good choice of reasonable priced res- pool and around the dive shop but not appropriate around town. Keep in
taurants, American, Indian, Thai, Japanese, Palauan and more. mind that many restaurants are heavily air-conditioned.
Top favorites are Taj Indian Restaurant (a must), Kraemer’s Café (a
fun bar with great food), What to Bring - Remember that Palau is a warm tropical destination,
so casual attire (t-shirt, shorts and flip-flops) are perfect! If you’re
staying a little longer, laundry service is very cheap and low cost T-shirts
I nternet and Communications- Internet and E-mail access is avail- and shorts are available at almost every store.
able, but as it is satellite connection, it is slow compared to most
countries. Palau National Communications Corporation offers Wi-Fi Transportation - There is no public transportation system in Palau.
Hotspots, using a prepaid Internet Card or a regular PalauNet dial- Sam’s Tours provides guests with complimentary roundtrip hotel and
up subscription. Sam’s Tours has its own Wi-Fi, using a pre-paid downtown shuttle service and some restaurants, like the Taj, provide free
card which can be purchased at our Bottom Time Bar and Grill. transfers. Taxi service is readily available up until 10:00pm and fares are
International direct dialing is readily available using Calling Cards very reasonable. Arrangements are easily made in advance for taxi service
from Palau National Communications Corporation (PNCC). Cards after 10:00pm.
are available at Sam’s Tours and many other business establish- Car rental is available from a choice of several companies.
ments. Mobile phone service (GSM 900) is available on the island
however international roaming is not available and phones will