Page 2 - E-Book_ I Made Denny Andy Putra
P. 2


                         Praise the author prays to the presence of God Almighty for his blessings and
                  mercy so that the author can finish this E-Book on time. Thank you to Mr. Alexander as
                  the  Teaching  Materials  Development  lecturer  who  always  helps  his  students  and
                  provides a lot of useful knowledge.

                         This  is  one  of  the  tasks  of  Lintas  Prodi.  Consists  of  an  explanation  of  the
                  procedure  text.  This  is  not  a  perfect  model  so  the  authors  expect  criticism  and
                  suggestions to make it better.

                         Hopefully this E-Book can be used as a reference for studying Procedure Text.

                                                                         Singaraja, 23 December 2022

                                                                                                I Made Denny Andy Putra

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