Page 6 - E-Book_ I Made Denny Andy Putra
P. 6
Procedure Text
Procedure Text is a genre of writing that shows how to make something or how
to do something sequentially or step by step. The purpose of the Procedure Text is to
provide instructions on how to do something through sequential actions or steps. In our
daily lives, we must have made something like cooking, or finished something.
Sometimes we don't know how to make or do things, so we will need a coherent process
or what we usually call a procedure. So, for that, let's just look at the explanation of the
following procedure text.
Generic Structure of
Procedure Text
Procedure text has three parts of the generic structure, namely:
1. Aim/Goal
This aim is the purpose of the Procedure text. Usually in the form of a title or
description of what will be made or done.
2. Materials
This section contains a list of materials and tools to complete the procedure text.
However, not all procedure texts require material.
There are three types of Procedure Text that do not use materials or tools,
a) Procedure Text that explains how to do an instruction manually or how
something can work. For example: How to use the television, the friedge,
the phone, or the rice cooker, and so on.
b) Procedure Text that explains the rules of how to do certain activities. For
example: flight safety rules, video game rules, and others.
c) Procedure text that teaches people about life or related to human nature
and habits. For example: How to be happy, How to be useful for
someone, how to get a boyfriend, and so on.
3. Steps
The steps section contains a series of steps that must be carried out sequentially.
These steps must be carried out so that the objectives stated in the Aim/Goal
section can be achieved.
Characteristics of Procedure Text
a) Using the command sentence pattern (Imperative). For example "Cut the
banana into pieces", "Don't mix the coconut milk with water", "Heat the
water for 5 minutes", and others
b) Using action verbs, for example crack, chop, cut, heat, mix, and so on.
c) Using sequence adverbs such as first, second, next, then, finally, while
d) Using adverbials (adverbs) to express details of time and place, for
example for "Cook the mixture for one hour", "Boil the water for 15