Page 4 - E-Book_ I Made Denny Andy Putra
P. 4

A.  Introduction
                      1.  Short Description
                         In this teaching material will be discussed about the procedure text. Procedure
                         text is a genre of writing that shows how to make something or how to do
                         something sequentially or step by step. In this teaching material I will discuss
                         the meaning of procedure text, the purpose of procedure text, the Generic
                         Structure of Procedure Text, and also examples of procedure text. In our daily
                         lives, we must have made something like cooking, or finished something.
                         Sometimes we don't know how to make or do things, so we will need a coherent
                         process or what we usually call a procedure.
                      2.  Relevance
                         This teaching material contains material about procedure text, understanding,
                         objectives, Generic Structure of Procedure Text, and also examples of procedure
                         text. In our daily lives, we must have made something like cooking, or finished
                         something. Sometimes we don't know how to make or do it, so we will need a
                         coherent process or what we usually call
                      3.  Study guide
                         The purpose of learning teaching materials is for students in grade 9 junior high
                         school to understand the meaning of procedure text, the purpose of procedure
                         text, , Generic Structure of Procedure Text, and also examples of procedure text.
                         Here are study guides for studying this module:
                             a)  Understand each component of teaching materials from the initial
                                component to the end.
                             b)  Understand the main and supporting material by reading and interpreting
                             c)  Read various other learning resources that are relevant to the material
                                being studied.
                             d)  Discuss reading results in discussion forums through online facilities
                                with other participants and instructors.
                             e)  Doing each assignment independently and formative tests through online
                             f)  Practice the knowledge gained from the learning process into everyday
                                learning practices and reflect on it.

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