Page 39 - Lenten Devotional 2021 updated 01-21
P. 39

Day 25 - What Does The Cross Mean To You?

            “Then he delivered Him to them to be crucified. Then they took Jesus [a]and led
            Him away. And He, bearing His cross, went out to a place called the Place of a
            Skull, which is called in Hebrew, Golgotha, where they crucified Him, and two
            others with Him, one on either side, and Jesus in the center.” John 19:16-17

            The cross of Calvary is where the Lamb of God was slain and where the Son of
            God gave His life so that we might live.  It is at the cross of Calvary that we see
            man at his worst and God at His best. Considered the most sacred place in the
            entire world, some say it’s where angels wept, and demons rejoiced.  Some refer
            to it as the place where He who had no sin in Him had all of the sins laid on
            Him.  I simply say that the cross of Calvary is where the blood for our cleansing
            was drawn from Emmanuel’s veins and where sinners plunged beneath the flood,
            causing them to lose all their guilty stains. At Calvary, we find the cross and it is
            here that I ask, what does the cross mean to you?

            Throughout time, there has never been nor ever will be, a form of death mo re
            horrendous, excruciating, or humiliating than death by crucifixion.  Crucifixion
            was a harsh and inhumane way to die, but Jesus, wearing a crown made of thorns,
            having been mocked, beaten and dragged through the streets, half stumbling,
            made His way to Calvary while carrying the cross that He would soon be nailed
            to.   The cross, heavy not because it was made out of heavy wooden beams, but
            because it was full of every sin committed: past, present, and future.  Every lie,
            every dishonest act, every murder, every envy, every lust, every blasphemy,
            every evil thought…they were all on that cross. Yet, it was our Savior, Jesus who
            gave Himself for our redemption by going to the cross. So, I ask again, what does
            the cross mean to you?

            If the cross doesn’t mean anything, then I beg you, during this Lenten Season, to
            take time and consider what Jesus did on the cross.  Consider the cross is more
            than what we wear as an ornamental reminder that we are Christians.  The cross
            is love in action.  Romans 5:8 declares God showed His love for us, even while
            we were  still sinners, and sent His Son Jesus Christ to die for us. The cross
            reminds   us God did what God had to by sending His Son so that we could live
            eternally with Him.  It is for that reason, I will cling to the old rugged cross, and
            exchange it someday for a crown.

            Father, in Your Name, help us to embrace not just the cross, but the One Who
            gave His life on the cross. Help us to see Your love on the cross and share that
            love with others…until we all know You.

            About The Contributor:
                             Rev. Dana Porter Ashton, Pastor
                            Union Chapel AME, Cambridge, MD

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