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•Analyzing how SMEs in Nigeria are                          production. They are the backbone of job
                                                                                                                             adopting        accounting        information         to
                                                                                                                             evaluate their financial performance                        creation, income generation, and overall

                                                                                                                             •Identifying challenges SMEs face when                      welfare in developing countries. In fact, the
                                                                                                                             implementing accounting systems                             prosperity of many great nations is built

                                                                                                                             •Examining the influence of maintaining                     upon these smaller enterprises that serve
                                                                                                                             proper accounting records on performance
                                                                                                                                                                                         as foundations for larger corporations.
                                                                                                                             •Exploring the methods SMEs use to keep
                                                                                                                             records                                                     Entrepreneurship activities stemming from

                                                                                                                             •Assessing their attitude towards record-                   SMEs are essential for economic growth.
                                                                                                                                                                                         For instance, in Nigeria, approximately

                                                                                                                             •Determining          if     manual        accounting       75% of the private sector is dominated by
                                                                                                                             methods         are      more       popular        than
                                                                                                                             computerized accounting systems (CAS)                       Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises

         •    Opportunities for Loans                          After all, it's all about making our                          By exploring these objectives, the study                    (MSMEs).

                                                               business       journey       successful       and             adds valuable insights to the existing
         Business owner looking to secure a                    enjoyable.            Let's          remember,                literature on small businesses' accounting

         loan? Financial institutions need to see              "accountability"             begins          with             practices and contributes to the global

         those well-maintained records. Yes,                   "accounting". Let's do our best in the                        knowledge       pool.    The     findings      can    be    SMEs play a crucial role in

         consistently        engaging        with      this    world of business.                                            beneficial for SME organizations in Nigeria,                advancing the economy by
         practice might lead to beneficial aid for                                                                           business      schools and also government                   contributing to over 90% of

         your business (Amoako, 2013).                                                                                       agencies.
                                                                                                                                                                                         private sector production.

         •    The Need of the Hour                             Study Objectives                                              SMEs can be defined in various ways
                                                                                                                             depending on the country, institution, or They are the backbone of

         Despite the clear factual mandate for a               The main goal of this study is to                             individual you ask. Typically, factors like                 job            creation,                  income

         sound accounting system, it’s often                   understand the extent to which SMEs                           number       of   employees,       sales,     financial

         sidelined            unless            statutory      use accounting information to measure                                                                                     generation,                  and           overall

         requirements          demand          it.    This     their    financial      performance.        Some              strength, relative size, initial capital outlay             welfare                in          developing
         negligence has led to the unfortunate                 specific objectives include:                                  and also independent ownership are used to

         collapse of many SMEs (Ibrahim, 2015;                                                                               characterize these businesses. SMEs play a countries.

         Germain, 2010; Udoh & Jaja, 2002).                                                                                  crucial role in advancing the economy by

                                                                                                                             contributing to over 90% of private sector

                                                                                                                                   The Impact of Record Keeping on the Performance of
  JULY | 2023                                                                                                                Selected Small and Medium Enterprises in Lagos Metropolis                                                          4
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