Page 51 - July 2015 Issue
P. 51
following: they’re off duty and enable them to get more
consistent sleep.
1. What gives meaning and purpose to their
professional and personal lives? 8. Strengthen Character: The quality of any person’s
character is related to their integrity, dependability,
2. What provides hope, comfort, and trustworthiness, dedication, compassion, hard work,
happiness? and sellessness. An oficer’s character can always
be improved upon. Focusing on strengthening your
3. What are their ethics and character values character will help to improve over-all wellness,
and how can they be improved? peace, and coping ability while providing more
meaning to your life.
4. How do they maintain perspective and keep
in touch with the most important people in their life? 9. Control: Focus only on what you can control,
which ultimately is only your reaction to things, your
5. In what ways do they work to improve the compassion, your integrity, and your professionalism.
quality of their relationships?
10. Always Have Goals: Learn to develop
6. In what ways do they harm those professional and personal goals that are reasonable
relationships? and attainable which consist of short-term,
intermediate, and long-term goals you can work
7. In what ways do they show the most toward every day.
meaningful people in their life how much they are
valued? 11. Practice Letting Go: Oficers need to learn to
be aware of how much they identify with negative
8. In what ways do they nurture their spirit? thoughts and emotions, while learning to let them go.
Every time they become aware of feeling a negative
9. Who and what are they responsible for emotion, they should work to replace it with a more
at work and at home, and how consistently do they positive one. Every negative emotion, including anger,
fulill that obligation? How speciically can be done to sadness, jealousy, envy, hurt feelings, revenge, and
improve? being unforgiving, acts as a heavy weight on their
spirit and signiicantly depletes energy.
6. Get More Consistent, Good Sleep: Lack of good
sleep will worsen an oficer’s mood, decrease their 12. You Are Not Your Job: Working as a police oficer
alertness, interfere with their decision-making ability, is merely a role; it is not who you are. You have many
impair their task performance, cause serious emotional other roles, such as a parent, spouse, friend, coach,
and physical problems, and reduce their ability to etc. When oficers identify so much with their job to
concentrate and generally think. Eighteen hours of the exclusion of everything else, anything that affects
sustained wakefulness, is equivalent to a .08 percent the job (management decisions, etc.) tends to have a
blood alcohol level. devastating effect on the oficer because everything is
taken so personally.
7. Exercise as a Way of Life: Police oficers tend to
signiicantly reduce their level of exercise as they 13. We All Need Help at Times: If you ever think you
progress through their careers. Maintaining a consistent may need help or are told you may need help—you
exercise activity level, at least thirty minutes a day, four are already signiicantly past the time of needing help.
times a week, is essential, because it will signiicantly Peer support, police psychologists, and facilities such
reduce an oficer’s stress level, reduce their chances as Conidential Recovery San Diego are there to offer
of getting injured, and enhance their coping abilities. the help that we all need from time to time to survive
Consistent exercise will reduce their chances of getting this profession.
a heart attack or acquiring type 2 diabetes by 58
percent. It will also signiicantly reduce tension while Support from Home is Essential

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