Page 55 - July 2015 Issue
P. 55
relection of one’s duality in both good and evil. human beings have for vampiric forms of demonic
Sometimes it’s procreative, sometimes recreational and fabrication.
sometimes destructive. None the less, the lascivious
aspects reside in cryptic darkness of potential The impetus to action, by virtue of one’s temperament
deadliness. This is the sphere of mysterious human is ignited from the connections between our sensual,
thoughts. sexual and spiritual elements. Personal nature relects
a sexual nature. There’s a strong notion of amorous
In the seductiveness to our criminal nature, we feel compulsion tugging the curiosity of individual
the compelling force of our own complicity. Its gothic inclinations. Wishful stimulations surface sooner or
murkiness is alluring, exciting and occasionally later, in one form or another. Yet, inside us, we’re
repulsive. In our pretentiousness to civility, people holding back the truth of erotic yearnings. Human
can easily play innocent. However, we’re quick to nature inds potency in libido in spite of dogma,
lurk close to anything tragic, macabre, and illicit. To creed or other diversion. Likewise, so does the bent
smell the odor of foul play, humans can be thrilled by toward criminality. Thinking conjures a multiplicity
the prospects of something taboo, deviant or devilish. of seductive possibilities. We ind ways to unleash
People are a paradox of obsessions, desires and the pressure of psycho-sexual energies. The fruition
cravings, in which secret indulgence remain hidden. of willful psychic forces is summoned by the
The depth of this expanse of consciousness, which creative sensations of neural networks. Our contrived
mediates between the subconscious layers, is dificult to compulsions lend credence to getting what we want.
comprehend. Take what we need. Exploit, conquer and overcome
risks to get it. Exhibit power, control and domination
Within the scope and framework of our sexuality, as expressions of deeply sensed sensuality. Within the
we strive to understand the multifaceted inluence of extraordinary mental landscape, sexuality struggles
concupiscent energies. People, by personal choice, can for identity. As a result, we allow ourselves to be
easily descend or ascent in any direction of sensuality. seduced by the sensuality of criminal behavior.
For which, our response might be either positive or
negative. Perhaps even neutral or neutered, depending Bio-Sketch - Randy Gonzalez
on the fascination, obsession or dysfunction. Flirtations
with life and death issues stem from such libidinous
instinctual motivations. It’s our impulse to life to
safeguard the inspiration for personal discovery. At the Randy Gonzalez has been an active member of
same, instead of lawful deeds, we can invent unlawful the criminal justice ield for the past 39 years.
applications of aberrant intentions. By contrast, public
misconceptions from television dramas are permitted He has been a police oficer, deputy sheriff, and
to alter “reality” in conlict with fact. For example, in police instructor, as well as a private detective.
the sensate facets of “gothic criminology”, reference is Dr. Gonzalez has been a former police chief
made to the evolving “dark” character of contemporary and police academy director, and serves as a
entertainment media. Fact is mugged by iction to professor of criminology on the faculty of a
create the perception of two-dimensional non-reality. major private university. Dr. Gonzalez holds
Merging the sensations from the “reel” with the “real”, B.A. and M.A. degrees in Criminology, an
we tend to accept criminality in mythic ways; conjured M.P.A. degree in Public Administration, a
up by fables that distract public perceptions. In so Ph.D. in Philosophy.
doing, we are inclined to believe ictionalized movies
more often that the reality of real life. Public policy and
news media reporting overlooks the real compulsions Thank you, Randy Gonzalez for your
of power, aggression and domination. With regard contribution from http://EzineArticles.
to criminally deviant behaviors, fairy tales fuel the com/?expert=Randy_Gonzalez
imagination of getting “inside the criminal mind”, or,
“hunting monsters” as “criminal proilers”. For which
Hannibal Lecter has the last laugh. There’s an afinity
Sometimes it’s procreative, sometimes recreational and fabrication.
sometimes destructive. None the less, the lascivious
aspects reside in cryptic darkness of potential The impetus to action, by virtue of one’s temperament
deadliness. This is the sphere of mysterious human is ignited from the connections between our sensual,
thoughts. sexual and spiritual elements. Personal nature relects
a sexual nature. There’s a strong notion of amorous
In the seductiveness to our criminal nature, we feel compulsion tugging the curiosity of individual
the compelling force of our own complicity. Its gothic inclinations. Wishful stimulations surface sooner or
murkiness is alluring, exciting and occasionally later, in one form or another. Yet, inside us, we’re
repulsive. In our pretentiousness to civility, people holding back the truth of erotic yearnings. Human
can easily play innocent. However, we’re quick to nature inds potency in libido in spite of dogma,
lurk close to anything tragic, macabre, and illicit. To creed or other diversion. Likewise, so does the bent
smell the odor of foul play, humans can be thrilled by toward criminality. Thinking conjures a multiplicity
the prospects of something taboo, deviant or devilish. of seductive possibilities. We ind ways to unleash
People are a paradox of obsessions, desires and the pressure of psycho-sexual energies. The fruition
cravings, in which secret indulgence remain hidden. of willful psychic forces is summoned by the
The depth of this expanse of consciousness, which creative sensations of neural networks. Our contrived
mediates between the subconscious layers, is dificult to compulsions lend credence to getting what we want.
comprehend. Take what we need. Exploit, conquer and overcome
risks to get it. Exhibit power, control and domination
Within the scope and framework of our sexuality, as expressions of deeply sensed sensuality. Within the
we strive to understand the multifaceted inluence of extraordinary mental landscape, sexuality struggles
concupiscent energies. People, by personal choice, can for identity. As a result, we allow ourselves to be
easily descend or ascent in any direction of sensuality. seduced by the sensuality of criminal behavior.
For which, our response might be either positive or
negative. Perhaps even neutral or neutered, depending Bio-Sketch - Randy Gonzalez
on the fascination, obsession or dysfunction. Flirtations
with life and death issues stem from such libidinous
instinctual motivations. It’s our impulse to life to
safeguard the inspiration for personal discovery. At the Randy Gonzalez has been an active member of
same, instead of lawful deeds, we can invent unlawful the criminal justice ield for the past 39 years.
applications of aberrant intentions. By contrast, public
misconceptions from television dramas are permitted He has been a police oficer, deputy sheriff, and
to alter “reality” in conlict with fact. For example, in police instructor, as well as a private detective.
the sensate facets of “gothic criminology”, reference is Dr. Gonzalez has been a former police chief
made to the evolving “dark” character of contemporary and police academy director, and serves as a
entertainment media. Fact is mugged by iction to professor of criminology on the faculty of a
create the perception of two-dimensional non-reality. major private university. Dr. Gonzalez holds
Merging the sensations from the “reel” with the “real”, B.A. and M.A. degrees in Criminology, an
we tend to accept criminality in mythic ways; conjured M.P.A. degree in Public Administration, a
up by fables that distract public perceptions. In so Ph.D. in Philosophy.
doing, we are inclined to believe ictionalized movies
more often that the reality of real life. Public policy and
news media reporting overlooks the real compulsions Thank you, Randy Gonzalez for your
of power, aggression and domination. With regard contribution from http://EzineArticles.
to criminally deviant behaviors, fairy tales fuel the com/?expert=Randy_Gonzalez
imagination of getting “inside the criminal mind”, or,
“hunting monsters” as “criminal proilers”. For which
Hannibal Lecter has the last laugh. There’s an afinity