Page 52 - July 2015 Issue
P. 52
The most-often overlooked pillar of support for survive.
emergency irst responders is the most essential—
support from home. By learning how to nurture their It is not inevitable that oficers will suffer and become
police oficer spouses, they can become hidden partners a victim of their profession. Police oficers are not
in achieving overall wellness and emotional survival. victims—but survivors and warriors of spirit. The
Below are speciic ways and advice for spouses to consistent practice of emotional and spiritual wellness
provide essential emotional survival support to their principles can enable oficers not only to emotionally
law enforcement mate: survive but to thrive throughout their career. It is
imperative for oficers to work to bulletproof their
Create a stress-free home. Be positive, keep your law spirit because the protection of their community, the
enforcement spouse centered, and enjoy each other. Be quality of their personal and professional life, the
understanding. Listen to their needs, without forgetting happiness of their family, and the wellness of their
your own. It’s crucial that spouses learn to read their spirit all depend upon it.
law-enforcement mate and know when they need to talk
and when they just need time to be alone and process Readers interested in discussing this topic further, or
what they’re feeling. Sometimes distance is necessary, having Captain Willis present an emotional survival
but this need is not personal. class (no charge) to your station, can reach Captain
Willis at or
Giving them the time they need without feeling
resentful is dificult but necessary. Spouses should
recognize when their partner needs to talk, and Captain (ret) Dan Willis served with the
make sure they are available when that time comes. La Mesa Police Department for 26 years.
Complaining or trying to force the law enforcement He is a former crimes of violence, child
mate to talk will tend to ruin a marriage.
molest, homicide detective and SWAT

Spouses need to remember that spending time with commander, and La Mesa’s Wellness
their law enforcement mate is precious; they should Coordinator. He is a graduate of the FBI
value and make the most of it the best they can. National Academy and is the author of the
Spouses should understand that time apart hurts the law emotional survival book, Bulletproof Spirit:
enforcement mate just as much as it does them. Plan The First Responder’s Essential Resource
for activities ahead of time, prior to days off or the end
of a shift. Otherwise, time together may end up being for Protecting and Healing Mind and Heart
wasted. (New World Library, October 1, 2014).

Spouses should remember that police oficers
experience many terrible things in the course of doing
their work. They want and need to be able to come
home to a safe, peaceful, and loving home. If they
know that at the end of their shift they will be greeted
with complaints and arguments, they will likely choose
to go elsewhere.


A career as a police oficer involves sacriice, a giving
of oneself, and a selless devotion to protect and give
life to others. Inherent in this noble profession is a
continual assault upon an oficer’s spirit. Combating
the evil actions of others while trying not to suffer with
their victims makes it a daily struggle to emotionally Photo Courtesy of Dan Willis
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