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P. 5

Five Signatures You Must Avoid

                                                                                   with horizontal or verti-
 F                                                                                 cal strike-through strokes
 O                                                                                 (like my reader Mr

 R                                                                                 Chaturvedi has), get rid
 G                                                                                 of it because every time

 E                                                                                 you do a signature like
 R                                                                                 this, you reinforce what-
 Y                                                                                 ever the strokes stand for.

                                                                                   If it’s self-hatred, you
 D                                                                                 will dislike yourself even

 E                                                                                 more and take rash steps
 C                                                                                 to sabotage everything
 E                                                                                 you have accomplished

 P                                                                                 or achieved. Therefore,
 T                                                                                 keep it plain ‘n’ simple.

 O                                                    Photo Courtesy of  (2) CAMOUFLAGE
 N      fore, if we change the way  herself in 2008 under the                     SIGNATURE

        we sign our names, it will  pressure of exams. The                        To be honest, I had this
 L      result in a change of at-            girl wrote in her suicide            type of signature till about

 I      titude far more conducive  note that she was taking                       four years ago. On the
 E      to interpersonal harmony.            the extreme step because             face of it, the signature
 S      Let’s see how.                       she was not well-prepared            looks clean and there are

                                             for her exams. The base-             no twisted strokes here.

        JUNK THESE                           line of her suicide note             But notice the first letter
        SIGNATURES                           clearly said she was de-             of my name and a circle
                                             pressed and her signature            around it. Now, here is

        (1) STRIKE-THROUGH                   said she really did not like         the problem. The stroke
        SIGNATURE                            herself. Look at the strike-         is not right. The circle,

        This is one kind of signa-           through strokes in her               which kind of camouflag-
        ture which I always find             handwriting. Such strokes            es my first name, is self-
        alarming. The signature              in signatures reflect self-          limiting. Circles around

        you see on your right has            hatred, a tendency to stab           the first name shows the
        been lifted from the sui-            and punish oneself. That’s           person gets very defen-

        cide note of a Mumbai-               exactly what the girl did.           sive in public and he is
        based girl who killed                If you have a signature

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