Page 8 - Feb Mar 2018 PDF 2 12 18 22_Neat
P. 8

Five Signatures You Must Avoid

        too protective about him-            thinks he is the one who             more space in their mind.
        self. Such writers have a            has less of everything -             They fail to let go of                F
        problem making friends               looks, money, talent or              something that was good               O

        because they do not open             success - than others. They  or bad in the past. Recent-                   R
        up and are always scared             are the people whose self-           ly, I met a businessman               E

        of getting hurt. They sus-           respect is always trampled  who most of the time kept
        pect the motives of people  by the crowd. They be-                        talking about how bad his             R
        around them, which re-               come an easy target be-              last garment business was             Y

        sults in their social isola-         cause they do not protest.           and how it failed “despite            D
        tion. Consequently, they             They lack the courage to             his efforts”. I tried to en-          E

        fail to become a part of the  speak their mind. After                     gage him into a conversa-
        life around them. Usually,  several bruises, they begin  tion on his current busi-                              C
        people who are extremely  to avoid social gatherings.  ness, but after a minute                                 E

        sensitive have such signa-           In many cases, such peo-             or two, he would again                P
        tures. The circle is used by  ple develop psychologi-                     go back to the old one. I             I

        the writer as a protective           cal problems. If you have            have a question for you.
        robe to avoid pain. If you           such a signature, enlarge it  What do you think the                        O
        have such a circle around            a bit. But not too much.             businessman would have                N

        your signature, get rid of                                                been doing while running              L
        it. I did that. The results          (4) TRACE-BACK                       that garment business? My             I

        will surprise you.                   SIGNATURE                            guess is he would have
                                             A lot of people I met have  spent more time talking                        E

        (3) VERY SMALL                       this signature. From the             about his previous busi-              S
        SIGNATURE                            last stroke, they go back-           ness. If you have a similar
        A very small signature               ward - from left to right            signature, draw an under-

        reflects lack of confidence  - and draw the underline                     line from left to the right.
        to pull off day-to-day               without lifting the pen.             Note: There are many
        tasks. If it co-exists with          This is called trace-back            other types of trace-back

        other strokes showing low  signature. Such writers                        and underline signatures.
        self-esteem, such as low             never come out of their

        t-bar and small personal             past and most of the time,
        pronoun, it becomes an               they run in reverse gear.            (5) SCRIBBLED
        inexhaustible source of              They think too much                  SIGNATURE

        diffidence. Whenever such  about past matters and that  This is one of the most
        a writer is in a group, he           the days gone-by occupy              common signatures. Such

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