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Detailed Guidelines for Graphologists on How to Collect Handwriting Samples

        on it. Your subject may have been too                  So much for the DON’Ts. Remember
 F      careful in writing.                                    the one big DO. Do try to get a sample
 O                                                             of writing that the subject does not know
 R      3. Don’t, if possible, use a sample writ- will be used for analysis. A letter writ-

 G      ten in pencil. The pen is usually much  ten to a friend is ideal, since one is really
 E      more sensitive.                                        trying to put oneself into the writing and

 R                                                             should be more honest than usual-both in
 Y      4. Don’t use postcard samples. They                    what is said and in how it is written.

        are usually too crowded and pinched,                   Now, keeping in mind that handwriting
 D      and the spacing of the lines is very im- should be studied as a whole, not as a
 E      portant in graphology.                                 bunch of symbols, you are ready to learn

 C                                                             to analyze. Deep down, everyone is a
 E      5. Don’t use a sample that has been                    graphologist. If you have ever received
 P      written to someone in power, such as                   a love letter, you know what that means.

 T      a teacher or a boss. These are usually                 Unconsciously, you consider the hand-
 I      too carefully written in order not to                  writing of your friend to be a secret

 O      reveal the real character of the writer.               message. What else can be more upset-
 N                                                             ting than to get a love note that is typed?

        6. Don’t use a sample that is a copy of
 L      something that someone else has writ-                  Kathleen is a certified graphology ex-
 I      ten-a Bible verse, for example. The                    pert from the International Handwriting

 E      writer may not really believe what he                  Analysis Foundation which offers
 S      or she has written, and the writing will  guidance to all students of handwriting

        be unconsciously changed.                              analysis worldwide.

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