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P. 15

Dog Depression - A Story About Dekker

        evaluation and to see if we  routines, lots of play,                      After 4 months we finally
 F      could remedy the situa-              same dogs to play with,              concluded that Dekker
 O      tion.                                our loving attention, and            was not going to find his

 R                                           so on. There was nothing             way back to what he was.
 G      Upon picking Dekker up               different at our home and            His weight was alarmingly

 E      at the airport, we opened            kennel, except Dekker.               low, and we couldn’t help
 R      his dog crate to let him out  Months of coaxing and                       him anymore. He was fi-
 Y      and he just sat there with           trying desperately to have  nally euthanized. That was

        his head lowered and big             just one happy moment                the day we said, “That’s it,
 D      sad eyes. We inspected               was breaking our hearts.             no more.” We quit training

 E      him and could see that               He moped, slunk around,              police dogs.
 C      he had lost weight, his              no eye contact, heavy
 E      posture was submissive,              sighs, lying in the cor-             Conclusion

 P      his coat was dull, and he            ner while the other dogs
 T      did not want to make eye             played, no interest in his           Back then, we referred to

 I      contact. The word anxiety  surroundings, eating only                      this behavior as broken,
 O      seems the best word to de- enough food to keep go-                        sour, or lazy. We really
 N      scribe the body language             ing, and then eventually             didn’t associate Dekker’s

        of tail wagging because              skipping days of eating.             behavior with depression,
 L      he was happy see us, but             We gave him special at-              but in hindsight that is

 I      weaving around our legs              tention, enticing food,              exactly what it was. A dog
 E      and whining indicated he             more of our time and                 so far in the dark zone that
 S      was apprehensive, wor-               basically put him in our             he couldn’t fight his way

        ried, and had mixed feel-            back pocket, taking him              back to the light and hap-
        ings about what was go-              everywhere we went. We               piness.

        ing to happen next. We               spent hours analyzing his
        brought him home, having  behavior, both past and                         We will never know what
        confidence that we could             present, to try to come up           actually happened to him

        help him past this behav-            with more ideas or a solu-           during his career as a K-9
        ior which was far from his  tion to the whole mess.                       Police Officer. People tend

        normal self.                         We brought in other Dog              not to reveal every detail
                                             Trainers to observe and              of a spiraling situation
        We set out to do every-              evaluate him for some                if it is their fault, so we

        thing that was familiar to           clue to work with. Noth-             can’t pinpoint the cause.
        him; same kennel, same               ing.                                 We can only guess that he

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