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P. 18

Classical Criminology and Human Nature

        an alternative “school               no matter who they are,              “entitled status” to elected

        of thought” within the               remains answerable for               office, or even the presi-
        schemes of pseudoscience  every aspect of his or her                      dency.
        where one answer fits all.           behavior. Regardless of

        Other philosophical per-             socio-economic status,               There are no excuses for
        spectives like psychology  political “aristocracy”, or                    the abusive behaviors

        and sociology are good               corporate “oligarchy”, the  inflicted upon others.
        examples. From their own  primary societal parameter  People are very capable
        ranks of adherents, there            is that no one is above the  of being dangerously ag-

        are no specific concur-              law. Yet, the gross ar-              gressive, predatory and
        rences on cause-effect               rogance of a gluttonous              malevolent creatures. With

        explanations.                        culture claims otherwise.            calculation and malice
                                             Many feel a sense of en-             aforethought, and intent,
        In a court of law in the             titlement because, in their  everyone is capable of

        U.S., where actual defini-           minds, they are somehow              anything in order to get
        tive evidence is required,           more special.                        his or her way. People are

        both sides compete as to                                                  extraordinarily hedonis-
        who has the most believ-             It might be the alleged              tic. Human nature has not
        able reason regarding                “expert” from academia,              changed very much in the

        behavioral issues. Outside  who claims a certain                          history of the human spe-
        a legal framework, many              school of thought has                cies. Given our inclination

        apply less than provable             found all the answers to             to self-destructive behav-
        assertions about the caus-           life’s mysteries. In their           ior, we are likely increas-
        ative factors involved               smug piety, safe and se-             ing the rapidity by which

        the nature of criminal-              cure in the ivory towers of  our devolution will hasten
        ity. More so today, with             “higher education”, they             eventual extinction. Coun-

        increasing acceptance of             appeal to their own decep- terproductive processes
        paranormal phenomenon,               tions. Then again, another  are underway.
        many pursue external de-             claimant to personal ex-

        terministic concepts.                ception might be “landed             There are no justifica-
                                             gentry” or upper social              tions, pretentious alibis, or

        From within the frame-               status. By wealth and                make-believe paranormal
        work of those aligned to             materiality, they believe            mitigations, regardless of
        a classical criminological           they are “different”. Still          theories to the contrary,

        perspective, everyone,               though, others claim their  that alleviate the

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