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P. 21

Classical Criminology and Human Nature

        practitioners who plied              “experts” on both sides              larly the practitioners (i.e.
 F      their craft in the real              can offer “expert opinion”  police, corrections, proba-
 O      world. One might ponder,  testimony as “evidence”.                        tion officers, etc.), outside
 R      how do they “know” so                                                     the schemes of academia,

 G      much, when they do not               Absent the science, as in            human nature is simul-
 E      share any significant expe- fingerprints, DNA, toxi-                      taneously good and evil,

 R      rience in the reality of hu-         cology, etc., which opin-            through an intricate psy-
 Y      man interactivities? Whoa,  ion is valid? After all, both  chodynamic weaving of

        that should be scary. How- sides in a controversy get                     complex personality. From
 D      ever, it is not.                     to claim and otherwise               the basis of this theoreti-
 E                                           assert the philosophy of             cal construct, humans are

 C      As suggested earlier, in             their school of thought              rational individuals, often
 E      the realm of pseudosci-              as though it reflects con-           hiding behind masks of
 P      ence, anything is pos-               firmed scientific authentic- deception. Yet, to cover

 T      sible from a theoretical             ity. Subsequently, a panel           the individuality of ma-
 I      viewpoint, especially as             of laypersons, a jury, gets          levolent intentions, many

 O      some attempt to articu-              to decide whom they be-              conceal their biases within
 N      late a biased perspective.           lieve. Such manifestations  a framework of illusions.

        From theory to belief,               of speculation are often
 L      mainstream acceptance                treated as if they are true          Nonetheless, for some
 I      and political acquiescence  beyond any doubt and to                       human beings, they have

 E      demonstrates complicity              the exclusion of all other           cleverly invented a maze
 S      across a wide audience.              possibilities. Frequently,           of mitigations or ex-

        Politically, the judicial,           adherents of one of the              cuses. By extraordinary

        legislative and executive            interpretations will argue           means, from academia,
        branches of government,              vehemently with opposing  commercial, and medical

        partly in courtrooms, al-            views as to which or what  enterprises, to political
        low the viability of alleged  is the truth.                               collusions, the smoke and
        “expertise”. Even if there                                                mirrors of promulgates

        is no scientific validation,  When it comes to human                      public deception. As to the
        the proof of question-               behavior, no one has all             frauds of misrepresenta-

        able behavioral theories is  the answers, and no cer-                     tion of “pseudoscience”
        readily considered. In an            tainty as to anything close  versus hard science, the
        adversarial system of ju-            to solutions. To the crimi-          public’s gullibility chooses

        risprudence, for instance,           nology classicists, particu- easy acceptance as to the

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