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Classical Criminology and Human Nature

        to action. The most im-              side the perpetrator. Crim- commit terroristic crimi-
        portant ingredient is in             inal justice personnel,              nalities. Additionally, the

        the decision-making that             many who should know                 usual suspect scapegoats,
        devolves to the adverse              better, like politicians and  like “peer pressure”, “bul-

        nature of choices. Offend-           the press, rush to hasty un- lying”, poverty or bad
        ers understand they are              substantiated conclusions.  parenting, cause someone
        harming others but decide  What a person chooses                          to “snap”. Unfortunately,

        for them on enrichment to  to think and do is part of                     the list of deceptive di-
        do it anyway.                        their purposely calculated  versions goes on, and

                                             freedom of choice. Inani-            eventually collides with a
        Selfish, self-focused,               mate objects do not make             number theoretical claims,
        manipulative thinking,               people do things.                    sometimes called diagno-

        entitlement, and whiny                                                    ses. All of which reflects
        “victimization”, charac-             Lifeless, non-living, inor-          someone’s philosophical

        terize additional elements  ganic things do not make                      perspective.
        of immature behaviors.               people do illicit and das-
        Being self-centered and              tardly deeds. Humans are             Nevertheless, if you need

        exploitive could be de-              all too capable to commit            to feel better about your-
        scriptive of most people             atrocious acts of personal           self, others, society, etc.,

        in general. Regardless of            culpability freely, readily          reassured by trouble-free
        the “disguise” one wears             and with serious malevo-             answers and convenient
        in public, there is always           lent intentions. Similarly,          conjecture absent sci-

        the hidden dimension                 the internet does not force  entific validation, then
        behind the “mask”. From              people to do “evil” ac-              embrace any aspect of

        assassins to white-collar            tions. Likewise, vast in-            pseudoscience you wish.
        embezzlers, murderers                novations in “technology”  If you are fearful that your
        and terrorists, motiva-              do not cause people to               school of thought might

        tional factors follow an             carryout cyber intrusions,           be in error if challenged
        interpersonal trajectory of  swindles, and sordid ille-                   by opposing perspectives,

        power, control and domi-             galities.                            you are free to be as de-
        nation over others. In the                                                fensive and resentment to
        aftermath of a calamitous            Terrorism “radicalization”,  any extent desired. There

        event, it is very easy and           so easily tossed around              will be opposition.
        notoriously simplistic to            by pundits and others

        speculate on comforting              who should know better,              You can believe anything
        deterministic factors out-           does not force people to             you want, no matter how

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