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P. 28

Classical Criminology and Human Nature

        influence of ideological             exist in many aspects of             attendant complexity will             F
        mysticism, superstition              daily living. From as-               not change dramatically,              O

        and anything purport-                saultive threats, to hate            regardless of the myriad              R
        ing to be of supernatural            speech, to discrimination            of pseudoscientific asser-            G

        interference as determin-            and all manner of thiev-             tions.                                E
        istic factors. Yet, among            ery, people choose their                                                   R
        the pseudosciences, there            communal disruptions.                Mitigations to the contrary           Y

        are inclinations of some             Humans misbehave, not                of sure, swift and certain
        schools of thought that              objects or things. Funda-            actions, will continue to             D

        come very close to the               mentally, rationality in             circumvent every effort to            E
        edge of such unsubstanti-            choosing behavioral ac-              control or otherwise inter-           C
        ated “magical thinking”.             tions is based upon psy-             dict maladaptive choices.             E

        By their insistence upon             chodynamic complexity                In post-modern American               P
        that which is not well               not easily answered or               society, erroneous beliefs            T

        established by scientific            quantified in precise and            characterized by admoni-              I
        validation, claiming posi-           definitive ways.                     tions of politicians, pun-            O
        tions of science, where                                                   dits and other self-serving           N

        scientific provability is un- In spite of contemporary                    interests, in emotional
        tenable, commits damage              illusions, reinforced by             reactivity to heinous acts,           L

        to reason and rationality.           magical thinking as hope             represent futile energies at          I
                                             springs eternal, the real-           the expense of those vic-             E
        Criminality comes from               ization is that there will           timized.                              S

        within the individual and            always be “anti-social”              Recently, in the sensation-
        everyone has the capacity  people who will do “evil                       alized reporting of various

        to commit criminal acts.             things” to others. As such,  murderous incidents, calls
        It could be argued, de-              in order to salvage the              for more laws, increased
        pending on a definition of  viability of public safety,                   “mental health” expendi-

        “criminality”, that every-           order maintenance, and               tures, excessive labeling
        one at one time or another  social ascendancy, the                        by way of questionable

        has committed some type              classical or rational per-           “diagnoses”, and a range
        of criminal behavior. To             spective on the criminal             of sectarian ideologies that
        think that through, and              behavior must expand in              over-ride rational applica-

        consider the myriad so-              more realistic, rational and  tions, hasten the demise
        cial rules, regulations,             methodical progressions.             of the human species. In

        ordinances, statutes, and            Criminality, as an aspect            the wake of terroristic
        so on, many possibilities            of human nature, with its            incidents, emotion driven

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