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P. 31

Elite Investigative Journal
        American Correctional System,  pg 31-48
        ©2014-2018 SYT Global, Inc.

          American Correctional System

                                                                     By Marcos Montalvo Munoz

                                                                                           Photo Courtesy of
        The American correctional  criminal in a jail or prison.  around $31,286, which

        system has been estab-               One of the main issues               causes serious economic
        lished to hold and house             with the correctional sys-           concerns (Williams,

        certain offenders who                tems is overcrowding                 2014). This raises the need
        have committed crimes                (Williams, 2014); specifi-           for alternative programs
        and shown to be a safety             cally in jails since more            to reduce the amount of

        hazard to the public.                offenders enter on a fre-            personnel in confinement
        Whether serving active               quent basis than prisons.            institutions and lower an-

        sentences or awaiting trial,  Unlike prisons, jails are                   nual costs on an inmate.
        offenders are the respon-            typically not designed to            Audrey Williams, writer
        sibility of the American             accommodate the long-                of article titled Prison

        correctional system. While  term needs of their occu-                     Overcrowding Threatens
        in control of the state or           pants, this is mainly due to  Public Safety and State

        federal correctional sys-            the time spent in jail is far  Budgets, described that
        tem, offenders are limited  less than time spent in a                     the United States has the
        to what they can do, both            prison.                              world’s largest incarcer-

        internally within a facil-                                                ated population in the
        ity, as well as externally            Another issue that occurs  world with nearly 2.4 mil-

        in and out of the facility.          due to the rise of offenders  lion people currently liv-
        This is executed by im-              into jail is the annual cost  ing behind bars (Williams,
        prisoning the convicted              of inmates that estimates            2014). In order to under-

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