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American Correctional System

 F      ly consisting of landscap-           a jail sentence (Atkinson,           ary).
 O      ing, park cleaning, bag-             2016). These treatments              Effectiveness of Alterna-
 R      ging, or graffiti cleanup            may involve attending                tive Sentencing

 G      (Atkinson, 2016).                    classes or more intensive
 E                                           in-patient programs.                 Alternative sentencing

 R      Rehabilitation                                                            was primarily established
 Y                                           Aside from outside institu- to reduce prison over-
        Many individuals com-                tional treatment, rehabili-          crowding and save the jus-

 D      mit crimes not because               tation is also offered from  tice system financial costs.
 E      they are criminals, but as           within prisons. Majority             Although it is a great way

 C      a result of a person’s own  of prisons offer programs                     to help offenders rehabili-
 E      addiction problems (The              that are designed to help            tate themselves and give
 P      Law Dictionary). In order  inmates adjust to settings                     back to the community,

 T      to help these individuals            outside of prison once               it is not designed for of-
 I      combat their alcohol or              they are released. The of-           fenders that pose a threat

 O      drug addictions, alterna-            fered programs are usually  to the public (Jones, 2014,
 N      tive programs were devel-            aimed towards helping                p. 23). One of the many
        oped to help these people            offenders obtain job skills,  concerns with alternative

 L      recover and return to so-            gaining control of their             sentencing programs is
 I      ciety. As a result, in this          substance abuse problems,  the idea of “good moral

 E      scenario, courts may allow  or learning how to deal                       character” being used to
 S      the offender the chance              with common challenges               determine lengths and
        to go through rehabilita-            they will encounter upon             conditions of a sentence
        tion treatment in place of           release (The Law Diction- (Jones, 2014, p. 23). Basi-

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