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American Correctional System

        be a law-abiding citizen.            egory. Retrieved February 06, (2014, October).

        Funds need to be consis-             2018, from        Home Confinement and Elec-
        tently provided and ad-     tronic Monitoring [PDF].
        ministrators must express            types-of-alternative-sentenc-        Office of Juvenile Justice and
                                                                                  Delinquency Prevention from
        the importance of these              Criminal Law Lawyer Source.
        substance abuse programs             (n.d.). Difference between           litreviews/Home_Confine-

        to higher-level echelons to  Prison and Jail. Retrieved                   ment_EM.pdf
        maintain a budget for the            February 07, 2018, from              Tam, J. (2017, December
        programs to continue and             http://www.criminal-law-             05). Find the Right Lawyer

        improve. I am well aware           Now! Choose Your Legal
        that not everyone serving            prison-difference.html               Category. Retrieved February

        a sentence can be rehabili- (n.d.). What is the          06, 2018, from https://www.
                                             difference Between Jail and
        tated, but not everyone is           Prison? Retrieved February           article/parole-and-probation.
        always given the chance              07, 2018, from https://www.          html?intakeredesigned=1

        to have a role model to              The Law Dictionary. (n.d.).
        show him or her right                Jones, C. (2014). Does Al-           Three Types of Rehabilitation

        from wrong. Everyone de-             ternative Sentencing Reduce          for Offenders. Retrieved Feb-
        serves a second chance to            Recidivism? A Preliminary            ruary 07, 2018, from https://
                                             Analysis [PDF]. Xavier Uni-
        be rehabilitated and show            versity.                             three-types-rehabilitation-
        that they can be an asset to         from https://www.xavier.             offenders/
        the community and prove              edu/xjop/documents/XJOP_             Williams, A. (2014, April 08).

        to themselves that there is  Vol_V_2014_Jones.pdf                         Prison Overcrowding Threat-
        more to life than to abuse           Larson, A. (2017, June 05).          ens Public Safety and State
        substances.                          What is the Difference be-           Budgets. Retrieved February
                                             tween Jail and Prison? Re-           04, 2018, from https://www.

        References                           trieved February 08, 2018, 
        Atkinson, G. (2016, March            from https://www.expertlaw.          crowding-threatens-public-
        01). Find the Right Lawyer           com/library/criminal-law/            safety-state-budgets
        Now! Choose Your Legal Cat-          what-difference-between-jail-

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