Page 42 - Feb Mar 2018 PDF 2 12 18 22_Neat
P. 42

The Management Realization

        I explained my strategy              commercial complex. I                everyone was on board. I              F

        going forward and that we  knew going in that morale  had a handful of officers                                 O
        were all a team, regard-             was down. The previous               who strongly believed that            R
        less of position. The big            manager was unlikeable               management was only out               G

        advantage I had was I was  and eventually let go. I                       to protect themselves, pro-           E
        familiar with their con-             had that special meeting             tect the bottom line of the           R

        cerns and job positions.             with everyone and since              company and make sure                 Y
        Leading by example and               I didn’t rise within their           people were on their posts.
        making time for my staff             ranks I approached things  I could sympathize with                         D

        ultimately made the transi- just a little bit differently. I  them because I too felt                           E
        tion easier.                         made it clear that we were  that way once. As a matter                     C

                                             a team, regardless of what  of fact, I never imagined                      E
        It’s important to recog-             had transpired in the past           that I would rise through             P
        nize staff and even fight            and they shouldn’t tell me  the ranks at all. Not be-                      T

        for them to upper man-               that I didn’t know what it           cause I wasn’t a capable              I
        agement, particularly if             was like to be in their po-          person, but rather I always           O

        they are doing a good job            sition, work long hours, or  thought that management                       N
        by meeting or exceeding              not be appreciated. In fact,  didn’t care enough to see
        goals. Allow your subordi- I would give them a verbal  someone better them-                                     L

        nates to shine in the spot-          bio of myself and let them  selves as long as the offi-                    I
        light for accomplishments.  know I had been there and  cer was doing a decent job                               E

        Periodically I would send  done that and I knew their  in their current position.                               S
        an email out to my su-               frustrations. “I lead by ex-
        periors informing of the             ample,” was posted in my  I went out of my way,

        great job my staff did on a  office. I don’t mind getting  when I could, to go on
        particular task, sometimes  my hands dirty to help                        foot and mobile patrols

        even singling out several            out” was my marching                 with my officers as well
        for a job especially well            mantra with them. These              as stand or sit on post
        done. I made sure to for-            were some of the best                with them, on all shifts.

        ward the reply to the staff.  people I had ever worked                    It was imperative that the
        It’s important to maintain           with. Upper management               officers understood that

        a good working relation-             was impressed in the in-             I was not some far away
        ship with both “sides.”              crease in staff satisfaction  manager tied to a desk,
                                             had turned around.                   always in meetings or

        I applied the same princi-                                                not available after hours.
        ple as a manager at a large  This is not to say that                      My goal wasn’t to spy on

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