Page 47 - Feb Mar 2018 PDF 2 12 18 22_Neat
P. 47

The Case for Handwriting Analysis

        ment, emotions, the act              The normally functioning  sions (logic), however mi-

        of thinking, the chemistry  BRAIN is a scientifically                     nor, either consciously or
        of drugs, alcohol and the            based, organized system              subconsciously. Moving
        like.                                of repeatable functions              one’s hand. Looking one

                                             called logic. If not so,             way vs. another. Decid-
        That this activity occurs            how could the sciences               ing what car to buy. What

        by accident is an insult             have been developed? Or,  time it is. And, the other
        to investigative intelli-            anything, for that matter?           thousands of decisions
                                                                                  made each day. This func-

                                                                                  tioning can be thought of
                                                                                  as a process of zeros and

                                                                                  ones (yes and no) just like
                                                                                  the operation of a com-
                                                                                  puter for the computer is

                                                                                  simply a manifestation or
                                                                                  “copy” of our brain


                                                                                  Therefore, the act of writ-

                                                                                  ing must also be scien-
                                                                                  tifically based because it

                                                                                  emanates from a system
                                                                                  that is scientifically based
                                                                                  with normal genetic de-

                                                                                  velopment. We also know
                                                                                  that handwriting results

                                                                                  from brain direction not
                                                     Photo Courtesy of
                                                                                  hand direction. The hand/
        gence. In other words, it’s  Briefly stated: Without                      fingers (and their connec-

        all about the brain and its          this system we simply                tions to the brain) are sim-
        control of everything in-            could not make a single              ply conductors of direc-

        cluding handwriting ac-              decision nor be capable of  tives from the brain. Foot,
        cording to the laws and              function.                            mouth or other means,
        principles of the Universe.                                               could also accomplish

                                             When we think, we are                writing.
        LOGIC                                constantly making deci-

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