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P. 48

The Case for Handwriting Analysis

        REPEATABLE                           as opposed to second-                man assistance.

                                             guessed psychological                                                      F
        There are only two move-             testing or any other sys-            HANDWRITING                           O
        ments possible when                  tem of personality evalu-            ANALYSIS                              R

        handwriting: a straight              ation. Handwriting analy-                                                  G
        line or a curve. Period. In          sis, on the other hand, is           Handwriting analysis                  E

        fact, the whole universe             not scientifically based             (as opposed to the act of             R
        exists in this manner. Just  directly as it requires ob-                  handwriting/printing) is              Y
        look around you. Every-              servation, consideration,            the study and evaluation

        thing is either a straight-          testing, and conclusion.             of handwriting. Its de-               D
        line form or a curved form  In fact, no scientific opin-                  velopment and education               E

        or a combination, parts              ion is scientifically based.  require and has required                     C
        of which are one or the              Only the science involved  years of observation, ex-                       E
        other. And, that is a scien-         is scientifically based,             perimentation, analysis,              P

        tific principle because it is  NOT the opinion for the                    conclusion and docu-                  T
        always repeatable no mat-            opinion comes from the               mentation in the forms                I

        ter where, no matter when.  thinking process which                        of books, papers and pre-             O
        And, of course, this is true  must consider many vari-                    sentations and more. As               N
        of handwriting. Repeat-              ables, is subject to errors          in the study of any other

        able in its operating sys-           and usually concludes in             scientific endeavor over              L
        tem, not in the sense that           varied results from differ-          time, some conclusions                I

        the writing looks exactly            ent investigators. Opinions  may be challenged, dis-                       E
        the same each time.                  do not have a repeatable             cussions continued, errors            S
                                             nature without thorough,             made, corrections estab-

        When one considers                   repeatable testing results.          lished. This process is
        the presented concepts               (See note 1) But all sci-            normal and, although the

        thoroughly, the only                 ences are subject to this            “gross” observations over
        conclusion that can be               process.                             time have been processed
        made is that handwrit-                                                    through the logic systems

        ing is scientifically based.  Handwriting analysis is                     of many investigators,
        Consequently, being the              the most powerful psycho- some philosophical con-

        emanating location of our  logical tool available for                     flicts still exist. Again, this
        personalities, the brain,            human assessment wheth-              is normal. But, through it
        through handwriting, un-             er for development or the            all, more and more refine-

        erringly demonstrates its            aiding of the troubled. It is  ment and understanding
        nature to us DIRECTLY                an essential tool for hu-            progresses. Certainly, we

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